

Fish Fanatic
May 24, 2004
Reaction score
:sad: I have posted a few things on here, and it saddens me that I can't get much help...I see some gets alot of replys, and I don't see the differance in need. I know u all wish people would not post about how long til babies r born or is she pregant...but I thought that was what the form was for, is to help who ever need it...I was always told that there is no such thing as a stupid question...So i guess I will stop worring u all to death...and stop waisting my time cheaking for an answer 20 times aday... But thank you to the few that did reply... :byebye:
hey there :) don't give up on getting answers......if no-one answers and you need help urgently there is often people in chat who might have an idea.........or there is the option for sending a pm to someone.

With a forum this size there are so many new threads coming all the time that some get missed.......but the upside to a forum this size is that there is always someone here, and there's a wealth of experience, people who have dealt with similar problems. So........

Don't give up!! :D

I dont remember seeing any of your posts but I can honestly say I answer 90% of the questions I feel I can help with. Maybe I've seen you but not been able to help.

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