Why am I browsing a fish forum at 2am?
Well, my mom and my cousin were watching my male and female flirt together. I have them in a split tank. And my cousin asked "Why do the males have long fins and the females have short?" Then went on to compair them to peacocks and their drab little female peahens. It would make sense that males have them to impress females.
But then I thought, well in the wild they all have short fins. So over all the years that man has made longer finned males and more colors why hasn't anyone made long finned females, or why haven't the females also came out with long fins and more color? I think this is a hard question to answer unless someone knows a lot about genetics and such but I would like to know.
But then I thought, well in the wild they all have short fins. So over all the years that man has made longer finned males and more colors why hasn't anyone made long finned females, or why haven't the females also came out with long fins and more color? I think this is a hard question to answer unless someone knows a lot about genetics and such but I would like to know.