

Fish Fanatic
Nov 30, 2011
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Colorado, US
I used to have 3 south american puffers in my 55 gallon with a huge community of fish, including gourami, a peacock eel, bgk, etc.
I've been thinking, I am restarting my tank. I was thinking maybe 3 more sa puffers, the two peacock eels i have in now, and a bgk. In the next year or so I am getting a 150 gallon tank, so I think for the time being I will be okay with those juvi's. And JUST them. But do you think it would be an issue with the bgk and the puffers? I've never had good luck with the bgk's. And I'm kinda wondering if it's a situation where it's one or the other.
Im not sure what puffers you are refrring to but what I do know as a puffer keeper is that they are not good with other fish due to the potential bite from their jaws
Im not sure what puffers you are refrring to but what I do know as a puffer keeper is that they are not good with other fish due to the potential bite from their jaws

They're south american puffers, ie amazon puffers. They are the most mild mannered puffer, but they are still puffers so I have seen them fin nip a few of my fish before. But nothing serious. I had them for a couple months, now I'm kind of thinking with my VERY slow fish (eels and a bgk) if it would be a problem or not.
Im not sure what puffers you are refrring to but what I do know as a puffer keeper is that they are not good with other fish due to the potential bite from their jaws

They're south american puffers, ie amazon puffers. They are the most mild mannered puffer, but they are still puffers so I have seen them fin nip a few of my fish before. But nothing serious. I had them for a couple months, now I'm kind of thinking with my VERY slow fish (eels and a bgk) if it would be a problem or not.

IMO id be very paranoid with such a setup...
Also are you trimming your puffers teeth?
I'd be very wary of that combo, even with the relatively well mannered SAPs or Irrubesco Puffers.

SAPs thrive in tanks with a good current and space to current surf in front of the filter and powerhead outlets, but with other areas densely decorated with plants/bogwood/rocks to make a stimulating maze to reduce the odds of them "pacing." In a community setup, fish that enjoy a strong current and are strong/fast swimmers would be a safer bet, most good options will have a forked tail. Amongst the fish I keep, that would include my Barilius spp. and my Humphead Glassfish (I was so tempted by SAPs but the whole clove oil sedation for beak trimming is too nerve wrecking for me), but there are plenty of other species out there that could keep out of the way of puffer beaks.
Not entirely sure about the eels, but I would definately not trust mine with a bgk! I have 3 SAP's, and the only tankmates I have with them are 2 Otocinclus. Although 55g is a great size for them, so I would be tempted to go with 1 or 2 more SAP's. :good:
All of you make a good point. I had three before, and they were with a nice community, I also did have them with an eel and a bgk but the bgk died, and then everyone follewed :[ i had my puffers for about six months. But it was very upsetting. Yeah, I suppose I could just set up a fourth tank for them alone :}
I rehomed 2 for someone and she was like 'yeah they're great community Puffers, never nipped anything, never shows any aggression blah blah blah' and then when i looked closely at all her other fish, they were all missing fins and were badly nipped. Her Cories were totally battered and unable to swim properly because of it.

So, i at least know that 2 of mine are not good with community fish, but you may get some that are... Pot luck and trial and error i'm affraid! :good:
I rehomed 2 for someone and she was like 'yeah they're great community Puffers, never nipped anything, never shows any aggression blah blah blah' and then when i looked closely at all her other fish, they were all missing fins and were badly nipped. Her Cories were totally battered and unable to swim properly because of it.

So, i at least know that 2 of mine are not good with community fish, but you may get some that are... Pot luck and trial and error i'm affraid! :good:

Haha yeah, a couple of my fish were missing little pieces of thier fins, I wasn't TOO worried about it, because they ended up being fine. My puffers were pretty friendly, I am sad that I may not keep them again I loved those puffers. But at the same time I don't think I could deal with all the problems I had with them again. It was heart breaking.
SAP's are definately one of the best choices if you do try them with other fish, but personally, i wouldn't want to just to be on the safe side.

My 3 live in a 88 litre tank so maybe you could set them up a little safe haven away from temptation of your other fish?

SAP's are definately one of the best choices if you do try them with other fish, but personally, i wouldn't want to just to be on the safe side.

My 3 live in a 88 litre tank so maybe you could set them up a little safe haven away from temptation of your other fish?


Right I had suggested that, I was thinking maybe a 20 long, with just three. I love that number. That would be tank number 4 running. Haha
this Puffer tank is also my 4th! :D

Horrible habit ins't it?! I just went and bought ANOHTER tank today. Petco had the dollar per gallon sale goin on and I couldn't resist. In fact, I could resist a lot of stuff i bought today. I do love those puffers though.

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