Hmmm..i Wonder

If the bubble sacs are damaged they usually become infected. Depending on how promptly you treat with an antibiotic or antibacterial, the goldfish either dies from a secondary infection or else the wound heals and the fish recovers. So far as I know, the bubble itself doesn't grow back, but I've never kept these fish and haven't heard from anyone who's seen their goldfish grow new bubble sacs. Over at WWM, I mostly I hear from people who's goldfish are dying...

Because this breed of goldfish is so delicate, it should never be mixed with other types of goldfish. Standard goldfish and the sturdier fancies like black moors can be bullies and will damage bubble sac goldfish.

Cheers, Neale

I was checking out those bubble cheek goldfish and i was just wondering what if you popped the bubble?

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