

Put the trombone down, *****!
Jul 18, 2004
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In the kitchen sink...
Doing some research here, not thinking of setting one up...too muc money, me thinks.

But how much would it cost to get a large tank, of say, 75gallons+ set up with no previous tank?


Well, I take it that you mean you need to buy the tank and all, without a previous saltwater set-up to get media and life from.

You'll have to buy the tank. (not sure how much 75g runs for).

Lighting (depending on what you put in the tank, IE corals).

Live rock (generally runs for about $8 U.S. so, youre talking about $600 just in live rock).

Corals. They run in all different prices. I've seen as low as $20 and up to $300.

Livestock. Again, large range if prices.

Equipment. Powerheads, protein skimmer, lighting. Depending on the quality, you'll pay a range of prices.

As you'll see in one of the pinned topics in the Marine section, this whole thing could run you about $1,000 to $3,000 as a beginer. I started with a Nano reef and its a handful and a pain sometimes. So if thats how you want to start, it will certainly be cheaper, but more work. Mine has cost me about $300 so far. I'm not finish though, so even more money is envolved. Keep up the research and good luck. :thumbs:
This is what im going by around here. Not sure where you live might be different.

75 tank- $400 tank. stand canopy

Lighting- anywhere from $200 and up

Live rock- Depending if you get cured or uncured anywhere from $4 and up

Corals- $5 up to around $1,800

Livestock- $5 and up

Equipment- For a good skimmer around $300 and powerheads you could get used ones for like $5 or you could go with tunze steamer and there around $250 plus $200 for a controler.

Prices just depend on if you go with good equipment or not.
I have recently just started a 75 gal myself. Although I'm only at the live sand and rock stage I have kept a log on what I have spent on this so far; It is as follows:
1) Tank(75gal drilled w/overflows), stand and canopy $575.00
2) Lighting 2 4100k bulbs @ $11.99 ea 2 6500k bulbs @ $11.99 ea
The retrofit bulb assy with balast and endcaps ($399.00)
3) Live rock 100# @ $2.66lb ($266.00)
4) 75# live sand @ $25.00 per 25lb ($75.00)
5) Aqua Clear wet/dry filter $250.00
6) Skimmer $129.99
7) Return Pump $39.00
8) Over flow plumbing kit $49.99
9)Refractometer $49.99
10) Test Kit $49.99
11) Test strips $6.99
12) Lighting timer $29.99
Your prices may vary from where you live and definately how you shop. DO NOT be afraid to shop different stores and I usually write down how much everything is and the name brand of the item and keep them with me for future reference.

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