

Cheddar: classic or cliche?
Sep 13, 2003
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Nottingham, UK
I'm not sure which of the forums to post this in... so I decided to put it in Tropical Chit Chat :rolleyes:

Anyway... my question...

I would quite like a dwarf cichlid. What are the smallest ones? Which are easier to care for (I don't want ones which are too sensitive to water conditions :no: ). Are kribensi (sp?) cichlids? I've seen pictures of them before, and they're nice. Are they fairly small?

Details... my tank is a 20 gal. At the moment I have 5 glowlight tetras, 4 zebra danios, 3 corys and quite a few guppies (mainly fry). I'm probably going to get rid of the guppies though, because they just breed too often! :X

Anyway, are there any dwarf cichlids that would fit in my tank? I'm not definitely going to get some, but I do like them... :shifty:


I've been looking online... rams look nice but I'm not so keen on the keyholes (although they probably look nicer in real life!!)... anyways, would any of these fish fit in my tank and live happily with my other fish?
Kribensis would be ok for that size, but a breeding pair would take over the tank, so maybe just go with a male, as some females can be a bit nasty. :blink:
I have never had any trouble with a male on its own.

I have heard (and read) good things about Apistos and rams, which stay a bit smaller than male kribs, so it depends which ones you prefer in the end! :thumbs:

Good luck with whatever you choose.

I just got rams and I love them. They stay pretty small, and they are really good community fish, in my experience.
Apistos are great little fish. There are many different species, they are small, colourful and peaceful. If you can try to get a trio of one species two females to one male. Try Apisto Cacatuoides they are a nice fish to start of with.

Good Luck

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