Hmm... What Would Happen If I Put Cardinal Tetras With Takuta?

How big is the tank? I had to put Sharky my white/blue in my 40 gal while I plant his tank. He is with 10 cardinals, 10 t bone raspora, 2 molly and 3 corys. He is doing fine just pouting on the back wall. I am net training him for dinner time. This has been the 8 day that I have done this and when he sees the net coming he holds still so I can get him. I feed him in the net and leave him there for about 10 min. while he plays with his food and no one can steal from him.

In a tank that small its a bad idea. Cardinals should be in groups of 6+ in nothing smaller than 10 gallons.


When you have just 2 they hide all day and do not eat well. That tank is way to small to put anything in there with a betta. If you want tank mates look at getting a 5 gal. We have had years of good luck putting 4 pygmy corys and a oto in this set up. The corys are everywhere and to fast for the betta to get. Mine do spend a lot of time trying to though. :rolleyes: If you do this go planted! The bettas love live plants and will send time sleeping on the leaves or under them.

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