10 gallon tank


May 4, 2003
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T.O (Toronto)
:angry: u can see one of my 10 gallon tank has too many fish..*cories* and i'm bout to give em away..I will miss my STERBAIS ...( :byebye: ) they are so rare where i live..i was gonna raise em then breed much for dat idea :-(

well...i was thinking of this: when my cories go..=(

10 gallon:

4 guppies(1 more added)
4 cloud minnows
6 zebra danios

so there fore, when i get my 50gallon (or 55)this is wut's gonnabe in the tank:

4 guppies
4 platties
8 neons
6 cloud minnows
10 zebra danios
2 bristolnose plec (1 male 1 female) :hey:
3 swords (1 male 2 female)
and like 6 cories (3 sterbai, 3 julii)
6 ottos
3 ud cats

now... da questions:

1. is my tank ova stocked? dont worry they wont be full sized..yet and if i feel that the are ova staocked i will trasfer sum to my 10 gallon or buy another 30 gallon tank. white clouds need to be in skools? (6?)

3. is there any fish i have that will nip at my guppies's tail?

4.should i have 3 sterbai and 3 julii or 6 of each or 6 sterbai?

5. do i really need 10 zebra danio to make them VERY happyor is 6 enough?

Thanks..kev :D
Well.....first off I don't think 10 zebras are necessary, 6 sounds good. I also don't think you need to have all the same corys (if that's what you were asking) any amount over 3 of any variety are good I think.

Now :X , I believe what you said is that in your 10 gallon has or WILL have:

4 guppies(1 more added)
4 cloud minnows
6 zebra danios

This is really too much fish in my opinion. I'd get rid of one group of fish. Keep either the guppies and clouds or clouds and danios, etc.

As far as your 55 (do you have it yet?) containing the following fish, well let's do the 1" per 1 gallon rule AT MATURITY!!: (some I have to guess on)

4 guppies = 6"
4 platties = 8"?
8 neons = 8"
6 cloud minnows = 6"
10 zebra danios = 15"
2 bristolnose plec (1 male 1 female) = 20"
3 swords (1 male 2 female) = 6"?
and like 6 cories (3 sterbai, 3 julii) = 9"
6 ottos = 6"?
3 ud cats = HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THESE ARE, so let's say 6" for all 3??

This euals = 90 INCHES OF FISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, that obviously isn't gonna work!! I would only get 1 pleco (figuring that you DON'T have them yet) And 6 zebras instead of 10. Maybe scratch the clouds completely on this setup and only get 3 ottos and 1 ud cat whatever that is. This would look like the following:

4 guppies = 6"
4 platties = 8"?
8 neons = 8"
6 zebra danios = 9"
! bristolnose plec (1 male 1 female) = 10"
3 swords (1 male 2 female) = 6"?
and like 6 cories (3 sterbai, 3 julii) = 9"
3 ottos = 3"?
1 ud cats = HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THESE ARE, so let's say 2"??

That would be around 60" of fish which may be okay with a really good filter and very regular maintenance on the tank!!

What do you think??


okay i'll follow wut ur tellin it's nt set up yet and ud cats are upside down cat..and thanks ALOT for taking ur time to reply to this topic... :kana: thx alot!
I would like to add the following...

- If you plan to get male and female guppies, then be prepared to house the guppy fry elsewhere.
- The same rule for the platties.
- BN plecs are not as easy to breed the above livebearers, but they will still mate. Also be prepared to house the babies elsewhere.
- Neon tetras are very sensitive to water conditions, so I suggest to wait until the tanks is well established for at least 2 months before adding them.
- UD cats (Upside Down catfish will grow up to 4". With the other fish, I suggest keeping either the BN, instead of the UD. UD cats or nocturnal and prefer under things upside down. They also prefer to have their bodies tightly hidden in some small crevaces. If you have both, they will probably compete for good, being both bottom feeders.

I'm glad someone also follows the 1" per 1 gallon rule :)

But I would also like to note, this rule applies to fish under 3", so larger fish should be stocked (at the most) 1" of fish for each 5 gallons. Again this is the most, for BN pl*cos, maybe around 1" of fish for each 2-3 gallons of water. This is becuase larger fish produce more waste and require more swimming room.
yes i am awear of that, the fry will go in one of my 10 gallon tanks that i have now and the other 10 for dwarf puffers, i'm already raising 1 fry and i already have my neons, what i plan to do is to add ALL of my fish in my 2 10 gallon to my 55 gallon when i get it set up, which i think will be in may or sumting since dat is the month of my b day....btw i was also thinkin on clown loaches..i kno they grow but but perhaps i can buy an even bigger tanklike 75 gallon if i'l but how many gallons do i need fro 3 clown loaches? thx
Wow......clown loaches huh??

I would honestly have to say that you shouldn't get them. I would say no more than 1 MAYBE 2 in a 55 gallon at maturity just because the darn things get SOOO big, don't they? :blink: Anyhow, if you got a 75 gallon maybe you could have like 3 or 4, but I wouldn't put anymore fish in it. Maybe like a clown loach species tank or something.

But I am a person that likes to see only 1 - 2 Oscars in a 55 gallon or Clown Loaches or other 8 + inch fish that are really fat like that. The plecos, in my opinion, are a little different because they don't have that massive girth that the others do. :/ But then again plecos do create a HECK of a lot of pooooo so you need quite a good filter in my opinion. Fluval 304 or 404 are good!! ;)

Sorry it's not what you're looking for, but honestly is the best policy, right!? :p


PS.......I dream of the day I will have my Species Clown Loach Tank................ahhhhhhhhhhhh *drifts off into aquaria-dream-world*...........
If you plan to have the loaches, just make sure you decide what you will have in your tank, so that you do not overstock. I currently have 6 clown loaches in my 55 gallon tank, the biggest being 3" the smallest being 1.5". The current size of all my fish total to under 35" of fish, but I know when they get to full size, I will need at least a 135 gallon tank.

Clown loaches seem to grow rapidly until they reach about 3". Afterwhich, they will take a little longer. Just remember, in the wild, they grow up to 12". They have been recorded to get aourn 6-8" in captivity. I think it's due to their slow growth. I guess people get rid of them when they get too big for their tanks or just the clown loaches outlive their current owners.
:S aiyiyi!...LOL 1 am...eugh... :X i guess i'll skip da loaches... :/ "yawn" i wanna dream about my 55 gallon tank" g'night

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