hmm 20g ?? :/ exciting fish


Fish Fanatic
Jul 3, 2004
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hey peeps, i have a 20g tank and want to put sum exciting / ravenous / nasty territorial fish in it.

i was thinking of dwarf puffers, what are these like. Or any other suggestions would be great, thanks

this is my Living room tank, so i want it 2 catch peoples eye.

Contrary to popular thought, the most eye-catching tank would be the one that is heavily planted with a shoal of small fish (1"- 2") that contrast with the greenery/background to make it a 'living picture'. :)

Good luck in your quest! :thumbs:
Itty Bitty Betta said:
Contrary to popular thought, the most eye-catching tank would be the one that is heavily planted with a shoal of small fish (1"- 2") that contrast with the greenery/background to make it a 'living picture'. :)

Good luck in your quest! :thumbs:
well thanks for that, but i alredy have a tank of that nature in my dining room. I want more oddball fish.
ok, can i get a couple of puffers and keep any kind of other fish with them ?
You want a 'weird, twilight zone' type of fish or one that has colors that go PA-POW?

Oops. Ok. you want active fish. How about a small school of rams?
most puffers are best kept in a species only tank, though some have had luck mixing them. in a 20 gal you could have a nice little group of dwarf puffers (4-8 maybe), but they only get one inch long.............. they are fun and active fish, but not really "showy".......

if you want a bigger fw puffer, South American (C. assellus (sp?)) get about 3 inches long, and are relatively peaceful. you could have 2, maybe 3 of these in there. of any puffers, these are the only ones i'd chance mixing with some other fish............. but be prepared to move fish out if you do.........

or, if youre ready to tackle bw, you could do a couple of figure 8 puffers......

keep in mind, most puffers aren't "showy" fish, they hide, blend in, you often have to look for them (unless of course its feeding time or soemthing foreign, like the gravel vac, is in the tank............ :lol: ). they are great fish, but chances are, they won't catch someone's eye when they enter the room... the tank might, but they'd have to look for the fish depending on what type you got....... of course, the lack of immediate fish in view is what draws most people to my puffer tank, to see whats in there.......... your choice
MAM said:
most puffers are best kept in a species only tank, though some have had luck mixing them. in a 20 gal you could have a nice little group of dwarf puffers (4-8 maybe), but they only get one inch long.............. they are fun and active fish, but not really "showy".......

if you want a bigger fw puffer, South American (C. assellus (sp?)) get about 3 inches long, and are relatively peaceful. you could have 2, maybe 3 of these in there. of any puffers, these are the only ones i'd chance mixing with some other fish............. but be prepared to move fish out if you do.........

or, if youre ready to tackle bw, you could do a couple of figure 8 puffers......

keep in mind, most puffers aren't "showy" fish, they hide, blend in, you often have to look for them (unless of course its feeding time or soemthing foreign, like the gravel vac, is in the tank............ :lol: ). they are great fish, but chances are, they won't catch someone's eye when they enter the room... the tank might, but they'd have to look for the fish depending on what type you got....... of course, the lack of immediate fish in view is what draws most people to my puffer tank, to see whats in there.......... your choice
cheers for that, i have another tank, so what i might do, is buy 3 dwarf puffers then try a mix test. If they get eaten then test failed.

i can only try it. as i would love a couple of puffers with tiger barbs.
I really dont think that would be a good idea. I'm up for trying to keep puffers with other fish, but think I'd go for peaceful fish. I've heard both ways that puffers and tiger barbs cant go together. Heard people say tiger barbs will seriously injure the puffers as well as the other way around *shrugs* ... good luck if you're gonna try though

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