

New Member
Jan 6, 2005
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I'm new to tropical fishkeeping, and I had a fish bagged for me by mistake. I'm not disappointed, he's a lovely fish, but I'm curious to find out his breed so I can look into him.

Many thanks to all who try help;

It's this website here, and it's the fish in view on the Tropical Fish Finder.. thanks a lot, all :thumbs:
I'm not sure; it seems to be considerably bigger than the neon and cardinal tetras in my tank. Will check link though. What that picture doesn't show (or not clearly, in any sense) is that the fish has a thick black line at the start of it's tailfin. :)
Deffinately a tetra but I can't quite put my finger on which one - almost deffinately a hyphessobrycon sp. due to body shape but beyond the genus I'm not sure. If you compare them to flame tetras, belgian flag tetras and lemon tetras you'll notice similarities. The fin shapes and colors don't seem to match up though. Maybe that'll narrow down the search for you though.
Do you think possibly a glassy tetra? I've seen an image but probably would have to see some more to be sure..
Glassy tetra? Do you mean a glass bloodfin or an x-ray fish? If yes, no I don't think so. Where did you see the image? Could I see it?
Ah maybe not.. it looks a bit like a fin on second glance.. it's definitely got that kind of "glassy shade" to it.. :sly:
It's not the same tetra as the one in the link you posted before - note the much deeper body and red on the eye.

I call these glass tetras :p I just didn't think of them cause of the red on the eye.
Darn, battery's , please delete this if it's considered spam, will post the pictures when I'm sure I can, sorry :*)
Any methods used to get good pics? They swim away and the camera's all blurry -_-
Have you tried feeding them or do they have a feeding frenzy when you do that :p I suppose patience is the only option. I think there's a pinned topic in the members' aquarium and fish pictures about taking good pics. :) That might help. All you need though is a decent one where the fish is staying still realy :p.

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