Hitchhiker Crab


Fish Addict
Aug 12, 2007
Reaction score
East Midlands, UK
Hi There,

Can anybody help Id this hitchhiker crab that I netted from behind some of my new live rock. As the tank is going to be turned into a nano reef, can somebody tell me if it would be reef compatitable and how big I should expect it to grow etc. ????

Somebody has already suggested it is a common crab but I thought I would see if anbody else may know for defo.

The crab is just over 1" wide but under 1/2" tall. Its a murky brown/rusty sort of colour and it a VERY slow mover! I keep thinking its dead. The eyes seem to be a murky red/brown colour! I wouldn't say its hairy as such but all its legs seem to have bristles/hair on them. The main body looks quite leathery and is bumpy giving me the image of a brain! looking! The underneath of it is slightly lighter in colour with some white/cream patches. The most obvious thing however is the fact its pincers are white tipped!

I appologise for the pic quality but its the best I could do! :good:
sounds like a stronhold crab, although ive always known them to be fast, not slow. thats my guess. if it is, he'll be fine small, but when he gets bigger, could become a problem with snails, smaller crabs/shrimps, and some fish possibly.
Look at his claws. If they are very pointy and serrated looking, then it's likely an opportunistic predator. If it's claws have big round lumps on them, then its probably a harmless herbivore. MOST crabs on the reef are opportunistic though :unsure:
From what I can remember its claws were pointy with white tips. As Ive added it to my refugium, its dug itself under the mud and I can occasionally see a pincer or antennae sticking out from beneath a piece of rock or mud!
not to take away ur topic 1entra, but since we're on the topic of crabs, can anyone ID this one for me? i thought it was a stronghold, but maybe someone can clarify it for me. plus hes not the only one ive seen, theres 2, maybe 3. all this size, bout the size of a quarter.
No worrys hubbard, you can post here as much as you want.

Quick update on my hitchiker crab:

The crab is vicious people. I got home from work the other night and noticed it scurrying around in the refugium, so I decided to tap on the acrylic wall to see what would happen... I expected it to make a run for it. Instead the little sh*t tried pounciing on/ambushing my finger. It ran at the acrylic and tried to claw at me! I kept moving my finger along the back of the refugium about an inch at a time and it continued chasing after it trying to attack me!

Assuming it was hungry (its been in the refugium over a week and I've not fed him! ) I went to the fridge and got half a prawn which I dropped near it in the refugium. The crab immediately pounced on it and carrying it in its claws scurried off to its little cave at the back somewhere!!!

But now I dont know what to do with it? Should I leave it in the refugium? Hope it doesnt't damage/kill off any of my chaeto macroalgae when I get it in there. Also do you wreckon it will atack/eat the microfauna ie. any copepods, amphipods, small starfish or even bristleowrms etc?
being in your refugium is better than in the tank. he wont bother copepods, but he may get the bristleworms, as well as, attack your sea star. theres always a possibility. and remember if he was hungry and acting like that, all it takes is one bite of sumthin he likes, and then he will appease his hunger
Very true hubbard, I might ask my LFS if they will have it off me next time I am there, will save me a lot of bother I think!

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