Hit the Jackpot!


Feb 29, 2004
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On the Banks of the Wabash, Indiana
8) Wow. as some of you may know from another thread, I have been negotiating to purchase a set of 10 used 15 gallon tanks, things finally fell into place this weekend. I got all 10 tanks, strip lights, glass covers, foam filters, tubing, gravel, plastic plants, other stuff I haven't looked at yet for $100 US. And they delivered it to me! :D They've been stored in a shed, need cleaned up, but I would clean them anyway, so no big deal. Earlier this week, severe storms came through this area, tornadoes did a lot of damage. A tree growing next to this shed fell, thankfully the other way or all these tanks would be history! I'm like a kid at Christmastime! Woo hoo!
My wife, bless her heart, thinks that the 30 some tanks that I already had were more than enough, but she tolerates my indulgences. Today when she got off work she wanted to go to a nearby small town that was having their annual festival where everybody in town has their yard sale. Yep, you guessed it , I walked away from there with three more 10 gallons, bought 2 for $1 each, third one I paid $2 for. I love her to pieces.
Just wanted to share this with you all, this is a wonderful time of year(in the northern hemisphere) to pick up used equipment for just a little money. I'm off to the fishroom now...........
That's wonderful, fishdudein! Congratulations at finding such awesome bargains.

Your wife must love you a lot :whistle:
:wub: Yeah, she does, cutechic. And the feeling's definitely mutual. Nobody else would put up with me, I'm sure :p She can take or leave the fish, though, she tolerates them because it's what I enjoy doing. That's why when we bought our new house, it had to have a place for me to put the fishtanks, this was at her insistence (well, no argument from me either), MTS was taking hold again even at that point, I had 2 tanks in our living room, 1 in our bedroom, 1 in kids room, sometimes 1 in the kitchen. Now all tanks are in converted garage, my fishroom. I can do all the stuff I've always wanted to do but never had the space for. Of course, I don't really have the funds to do this with new equipment, so as I said, I've been waiting for this time of year to come along! Hunting for tanks and equipment this way is "almost" as much fun as a trip to the lfs!
:thumbs: catfish, don't be hatin' me! This is a disease, I tell you!! I can't help it. I suffer from a severe case of MTS coupled with severe gloating. And it's contagious, every one of you out there could be infected too.

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