His First Fish


Jan 11, 2007
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upstate new york
About 2 years ago my now husband came with me to one of my favorite fish stores and noticed a tank of rope fish. He doesn't usually get interested in fish so I was suprised when he asked if one of my tanks could handle them. Since I'd never even herd of them before let along seen one I said idk look up some info on them when we get got home. He actually did it, and we decided to wait and get a bigger tank. Well we have a 30 gallon now that I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do with, and while we were out today he found a lone rope fish and all but begged we take it home. Well now it is settling in nicely, and I just want to make sure I don't screw anything up for it, so does anyone have any recommendations for this lil one? I know they like caves, to be in groups, and are great escape artists(water level has already been adjusted, and open spaces covered), but do they enjoy more planted tanks or open with drift wood and rocks? We are trying to free up my 55 gallon so he will eventually be moved into there. Also what tank mates do you recommend for these guys, and is there anywhere we can find them online(we only find them around our stores once or twice every year)? Pretty much any additional tips you can provide are greatly appreciated.
Iam in the same situation i found a lone rope fish in my lfs, never seen anymore since, but he's doing great on his own, they prefer planted plants, coming from reeded area's they will hide and swim in amounst the plants, they do much better in groups so i understand but cannot find any friends...Mine will eat all blood worms as in dried/frozen and live also pellets
I have one too! :p His tank mates shouddnt be too aggressive and pushy nor too small and bite sized. They sould each have their own cave. hope this helped! They are truly awsome little critters. in a cuple of days I am getting my 55 gallon and he is going to get some more rope fish friends. :p
I have 5 and if you can find more I definitely recommend it. They are fab fish and my lot pretty much eat anything. Mine live happily with praecox rainbows, glass catfish and climbing perch.

Only thing to really make sure if that the tank is escape proof!
Thanks for the tips. I just found out a shop around here gets them in from time to time, so I'll be keeping an eye on them.

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