His First Bubble Nest


Fish Fanatic
Jan 2, 2009
Reaction score
Weedon, Northamptonshire
Well yesterday I checked in on my betta and he had made his very first bubble nest since ive owned him :hyper: It looks like the fake grassy plant has done the trick because I thought he'd like to build one in amongst it and he has :D I dont know whether he'll make it any bigger or not yet.

A couple pics of it:


The title to this thread made me laugh :hyper: lololol What a great title!
Congrats on the bubble nest!
Haha thanks ,my mums comments were "oh you'll have to get a lady for him now" :p I am tempted and have another 4 gallon tank the female could live in I guess, but its the hassle of where to keep and what to do with the fry thats putting me off doing it right now.
I know what you mean, I'd love to breed my betta. I could get all the stuff needed pretty easily and have most of it here, its just the time needed to put in and the hassle/stress and worry of everything thats putting me off. And I'm sure theres only so many fry I could move on aswell.

Having said that, my friend has considered getting a female, maybe I'll borrow that one for a few days after telling her to condition it ^_^

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