Himantura oxyrhyncha

With this information:
This very rare species is known from only five specimens in museum collections worldwide
I very much doubt that the fish on your list is the genuine article!
yeh, i wondered that too, never know though.

I know another species in that family can grow to 2.5m wide!

maybe i'll wait until a motoro turns up again!!
I'm quite surprised our supplier has even got hold of these rays, then again i was surprised when blue motoro's turned up, boy i wish I got one of them now!!

to customers they could cost around £110 at 5"

cheers for the link, although a litle too indepth as you may agree!! :blink:

I would get one but seeing as there's so litle known about these type of rays then how would I know if they grow huge.
Your link and fishbase suggested only 35cm (I presume that's disc width) or something if I remember correctly (both not working atm) but seeing as this is so rare I agree it's abit hit and miss.

I think you should go for it - if it does grow large then I'm sure you'll be able to offload it to a public aquarium or something as it's rare (although obviously this ain't the usual recommended strategy...).

Keep us posted.
i'ved decided against it.

1. it could grow huge then i need to rehome.
2. it seems a bit plain, i was after a ray with a bit of colour to it.
That is uncalled for, rays are difficult fish to keep and it is not unusual for those new to keeping them to lose their first ray/s.
Dan you nut....what did you say....

I hope you don't think Chris actually knows anything about keeping rays. a certain ammount of nitrates is still perfectly safe with them.
The nitrates in my ray tank are currently running at around 60ppm, the same ammount as is present in the tapwater i do water changes with. Although it is always recomended to keep nitrates below 40ppm as much as possible most rays can tollerate nitrates even as high as 100ppm once they have adjusted to life in captivity.
Paul_MTS said:
Dan you nut....what did you say....

I hope you don't think Chris actually knows anything about keeping rays. a certain ammount of nitrates is still perfectly safe with them.
I didnt say anything other than what i say to you messing about. I havnt spoken to chris about you or your fish. I cant put on here what i said cuz theres a old grump about and he`ll kick me off the site.

I know you know a fair bit about fish which is why i always ask you any quierys i have... TRUE??

We all make educated mistakes, have to make choices and some times we get it wrong(i know you didnt do anything wrong in this case with the Ray) with the keeping of fish, and that is where experience comes from.

I hold a lot of respect for your knowledge.

:wub: :* :* :wub:

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