Fish Crazy
Would a few of these be fine in a 20gal tank with neons and guppies and a few albino corys or would i be best just getting a bristle nose?
Tank temp is set at 24C so will reach 25C often id imagine is this just at the top of their tolerances?
Ph is about 6.5 from what i can make it this should be fine
I have fine gravel smooth rocks plants and bogwood will it be ok with that?
if anyone has kept them could you advise me on them please, just thought theyd make a nice alternative to a bristlenose
Tank temp is set at 24C so will reach 25C often id imagine is this just at the top of their tolerances?
Ph is about 6.5 from what i can make it this should be fine
I have fine gravel smooth rocks plants and bogwood will it be ok with that?
if anyone has kept them could you advise me on them please, just thought theyd make a nice alternative to a bristlenose