Hillstream Loach Help


Fish Aficionado
Jul 31, 2008
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hi all, i have a shrimp tank that is currently about 21 degrees, although i could lower that by a degree or two.
My question is what temps will a hillstream live comfortably in.
and what size tank can i get away with one in? (its a 30L, well maintained, oxygenated, and clean but with plenty of diatoms i need it to eat)
it only contains a few cheeries so stocking is minimal.

am i able to get one?

i dont want ottos as they are v.fragile and BN 's are too big. snails and shrimp dont have a big enough impact.
its a subtropical fish, so anywhere from about 20-24 i think.. im not too sure, but i think that tank will be a little too small for it.. they live in enviroments like rivers, its good that you have mentioned you have aeration, but it would feel more at home with stronger flow.
I have mine in a 180l community tank (peaceful fish) with good aeration and a pretty good filter with directional flow that i direct onto the side of the tank - temp at 22C. I started with 5, but 3 died within 4 months (possibly due to being bullied by a couple of bothersome fish that have also since died), and added an extra 2 just recently, so now up to 4. The 2 survivors seem to be really happy, and quietly do their own thing grazing on the algae on the sides of the tank. One thing i have discovered is that the hillstreams really seem to like to munching on the algae that grows against the glass below the gravel surface level (really dark green stuff). So what i have been doing is at every 2nd water change, i make sure i expose some of that algae, and they go nuts over it. I think hillstreams make an interesting addition to a tank, but you MUST have the right conditions in temp, flow, water chemistry, AND tankmates.
Ciao dudes
are they active during the day?
as i know many bottom feeders like plecs hide all the time.

i think i might get a pair for my 4x2x2 planted. that will be about 23-24 degrees. with massive flow and filtration :lol:
As long as you give them some overhanging rocks to hide under when they need to, they are pretty much out and about all the time, although they can be hard to spot sometimes 'cos they blend in very well with things like rocks (i have a couple of slate tiles) and bog wood. They seem happier as a pair or more, rather than as a solo. As i look across to my tank now (10.45am NZ time), i see 2 on the front glass, 1 under a rock overhang, and 1 who knows where.
Ciao dudes

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