Hillstream loach died.


Fish Crazy
Apr 3, 2004
Reaction score
Herefordshire, UK
Agh my new hillstream loach died on me today i only had it for about 5 days.... poor thing i saw it take its last few breaths it was shuddering and then it went quite... anyway thought i would share.....

It would be nice if the forum boards had a place where we could dedicate those fishy loved ones that have passed over...
Sorry to hear that, have you checked the water parameters?
I have a bit of ammonia and nitrate... i got my fishtank 4th April and i am still trying to get my tank to cycle last week i was doing water changed every other day to keep ammonia and nitrite down but then the guy at the LFS shop said i must stop doing that and just let the ammonia and nitrite rise till they reach peak and then fall to 0. I have used cycle and feed my fish every other day to make cycling gentler. I asked the guy if my ammonia and nitrite readings were 0 how long would it take before they would rise, like for example if it took 2 days before it would rise maybe i missed seeing that my tank had cycled and been at 0 but he says no that couldent have happened that once they are at 0 they stay at 0 and you only get nitrate reading or maybe a nitrate spike if you have introduced new fish into the water. So now i dont really know what to do , if i should take the guy at the LFS advice and just allow my ammonia and nitite levels rise till they zero out, ofcourse im petrified of doing this i dont want tokill my fish they are so happy.

Im not sure this was the cause of the hillstream loaches death, when i bought him at the shop they apperently had new stock when i looked at their tank many loaches were dead in it, of course they promptly cleaned the tank out but makes me wonder why so many died, this fish shop is reputable and immaculate, maybe the new stock they got in were sick, when my hillstream loach died i took him out straight away for fear that he might have passed it on to my other fishes. i guess only time will tell.

What do you think i should do??
i would never but a fish from a tank that has dead ones in...

maybe u should have added a few tuogh hardy fish to get the tank cycled
before adding the loaches

R.I.P mr loach

what other fish did u have in the tank.
hillstreams need clean water with plenty of flow

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