Hillstream Loach Biotype


It's only forever; not long at all...
Dec 23, 2004
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I really like hillstream loaches, and would love a CW/sub tropical rivery biotype. Nothing massive, I was thinking along the lines of 3 loaches and, if I can find any, one or three smallish non-schooling river fish (that like current). What size tank would be good? I was planning on the ole sponge filters at kne end connected by under substrate pipes to powerhead filtration/current maker. Also what sort of tank layout? I think theres something on loaches.com, I´ll look later. Oh yeah, I was thinking of a shallow tank too, 6´´ or so, or failing that getting a shallow clear plastic container.
Most of the "flatter" hilstream loaches are small fish, a 10 gallon equipped with the usual sponge/powerhead setup and some larger stones will suit. Homaloptera and Shistura species can get a good deal larger so if you are thinking about them, you'll need to have a larger setup.
Just keep in mind that most non-schooling riverine collwater fish won't work in a 10 gallon. I'd actualy suggest you get a 20 gallon and either add white clouds or rosy reds/fathead minnows along with the hillstreams.

As for lay-out, hillstreams like to have large, rounded rocks covered in algae to graze from. Rounded pebbles look nice as a substrate. Sand does too but, if you want the sort of current hillstreams like, your tank will be cloudy constantly and your filter(s) will get clogged from all the sand being picked up. You won't be able to keep most plants in this sort of set up but lighting should still be included to grow a little algae (though don't over-do it).
I´ll have a look, see what I´ve got room for, I like WCMM as well but I think at least to start with seperate tanks are in order, the shop isn´t the healthiest place around so I need to keep the water as clean as I possibly can.... I´ve got an algae tanky thing on the windowsill, normally got a fair bit of algae in so I hopefully shouldn´t need too many algae wafer supplements. As for the species, I have no idea what they are, they´re just labelled as Hong Kong plecs, I think.

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