Hill stream loaches!?

There are several species of Hillstream Loaches, do you know you are talking about? Most species won't get any larger than 2". :)
Not exactly sure on the species didn't say too much on the information list at LFS but thought they looked cute and i need something for the occasional algae i get but want something small so they seem ideal, thanks :)
Hilstream loaches are coldwaterfish and need a fast flow of water provided by a powerhead or similar device. The do not eat algea.

If you need a smal algea eater for a tropical tank, look for otos (ottocinclus)
Its for a coldwater tank not tropical. I want a small fish that would deal with the odd bit i get occasionally and the LFS pointed me in the direction of those as did a few other fish keepers, so now i don't know what to do lol!?!?
Hillstream Loaches mainly feed on micro organisms that form part of some types of algae. This normally grows on smooth rocks along fast flowing stream beds which they would naturally inhabit. However, as with most fish their diet does not contain only one food source and because of this they will graze on algae from time to time, but you are likely to be disappointed if you purchase them to cure an algae problem.They do need fast flowing, well oxygenated water with some broad flat surfaces (large leaved plants, stones) to feed off. :)
I don't really have an algae problem just see the odd bit on rocks and plant leaves occasionally and thought one of those would help, i have a pretty strong filter that produces a strong currant and my tanks full of plants so would be quite homely to one it seems, also think they are pretty cute so would have a welcome home with me, i take them eat the same food as the average goldfish or do they have special needs :) ?
Ive just bought 2 butterfly plecs for my coldwater tank.
They certainly seem to keep the tank clear of algae and was told they grow no bigger than about 1 inch :hey:

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