Hikari Bio Gold


Fish Fanatic
Apr 5, 2006
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ive bought some of these pellets because ive read on these forums that people recommend them.none of my pk's can eat them.their so damn hard they try to chew it then spit it out.why do they make such a hard pellet for such small fish?

i think ill stick to bloodworms and protein :drool:
I've never used it before but you could probably crush them up a bit so it would be easier for them to eat it
All mine eat them and look fantastic on them. If you want you can put some tank water in a small bowl and soak the pellets first to soften them.
All my current bettas eat them, love them in fact. The pellets have added vitamins so they get the pellets at least once or twice a week, defrosted bloodworms, mysis shrimp, mosquito larvae, live blackworms, live whiteworms, live daphnia, live brines (snack food). My plakats love them too.
All mine eat them as a staple food :)
My previous bettas have loved them but the one I have now....rejects them completely. He gets almost insulted and perturbed with me as tho "here she goes pushing those horrible things on me again". He goes speeding off down his tank as tho he wants to teach me a lesson. I give him these shrimp brine flakes made by Ocean Nutrition and just got a big container so I won't run out any time soon. He loves bloodworms too.
Yeah, all my bettas eat Hikari. Any idea how old the package you bought was? What's the expiration date on it? What size did you get?

I've used more than one brand of pellet in my time, and so far, they've all been about the same "hardness". My least favorite brand ever, were the HB pellets, which were not evenly sized and never softened in the water.

Bettas also do generally glomp onto food and spit it out, that's just how they soften it to eat.

Bear in mind, too, if you've just switched brands, your bettas probably noticed and are campaigning for their usual fare. (edit: especially if you've just been feeding bloodworms, before)
Fez eats Wardley Betta Premium Food. I'm thinking about changing however because he doesn't seem to care for it. I'll probably be checking around for some Hikari although I'm not getting my hopes up, this silly town doesn't usually carry most known name brands.
My oddball Betta wont eat pellets, or any food that sinks. He actually gobbles up flake food. Maybe he has spent to long a time in his tank with the guppies he lives with. I have tried a few different brands. He just wont eat them. Fortuantely one of my dwarf gouramis in another tank loves pellets as long as they float. If they sink, they are completely ignored, I just hope my Cory's hoover them up...
:drool: try putting the pellets in between 2 teaspoons and crushing them. make sure the betta sees you are feeding him. I did this a couple of times and they eat them now without being crushed.

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