Higher Temp + Cories?


Fish Gatherer
May 17, 2006
Reaction score
Keighley, West Yorkshire, UK
I've got a 15g currently being used as a quarantine tank, but in the future I'm setting it up for regular use and am thinking maybe of getting some cories. I've got the usual suspects in hubby's community tank, so want something different (not pandas though - learnt from that mistake!), but before I even put them on my list I want to check whether there's any cories who'll be ok in higher temps? My tanks all run around 80f - cant get them lower despite even turning the heaters off at one point, and while my other cories dont seem to have a problem with that - I dont want to deliberately put any more in those kinds of temps unless they're able to cope. Eg. I wanted some barbatus for my bigger tank, but was advised not to as the temps would be way too high.

I'm also pretty limited to what I can get - mail order is easiest, but there may be the odd occasion where I can get out to the not so local fish shops (I'm limited mobility wise and dont drive, I wont use my nearest LFS as it's crap, and therefore have to travel via public transport).

We've already got bronze, albinos, sterbais, peppered, metae and melanotaenia. I'd like something special, but not way too pricey and must be hardy, as we bought 5 pandas once and lost them all within a week (params were fine - no - excellent, even if I do say so myself LOL). I've been looking at the Trimar stock list, and google searching pics, and I love concolors, seussi and brochis splendens - although I know brochis are way too big for my 15g (wouldn't mind them for my 180g though if they didn't mind the temp!).

But are there any that are ok in a temp of around 80f? Ph = 6.6-6.8 and kh is very low.

Well sory about your lost of panda but you are not alone. Last month I lost neary 10 of adult panda due to the fugus.

Your tank temp are on the High side. Sometime you can cooling temp on your tank down by circulate water with air stone but only helping on the fraction of it. About the Cory choice Seussi or Gossei are among worm water cory and colorfull if you can find them. Concolors I don't have much luck with them. Melini also pretty fish but they live in the temp of 24C.

Good luck finding fish. :good:
Why are the tanks so warm, do you have your central heating on really high?
Compared to others I guess yes lol - hubby always complains of the cold if it's lower. Typical male. I guess that plus lights/UV/external filters = higher temps. You can come try talking him into lowering it if you like, I've had no success lol.

Just realised that seussi get quite large compared to other cories, are there any smaller ones that cope well with high temps?
I wouldn't say "typical" male! But i agree, you have to be comfortable, especially as winter is starting to get cold!

You could keep discus in that temp water and they'd be quite happy i think!
I am sorry that I can't help much about your high temperature question. Since you already have Sterbai that I know is one of the high temperature Cory.
And sorry about the Pandas. Since that is my favorite Corys and I have quite success with them. So this may help for someone who have trouble keeping them.
I find Pandas really prefer the low temperature. I keep mine with room temperature(no heater). The tank water stay high 60F to low 70's). With lots of current(water movement.) I have power head(outletfacing top coner of tank so the frys don't wash away too hard)) and HOF in 5G. Which I keep my breeding pair with lots of frys. And she makes eggs every 4~5 days since November. I feed them well and change water often. I change water at least once a week but try to do twice. Also I often pour about 1/2G of cold outside water(which must be around 40's).
I read Panda are from high mountain base of the river and I know my Pandas must be 100 generation away from the wild but they still love those clean cool water.
So if anyone out there, would like to keep them well. I highly recommend to keep them cool in their own tank. They don't need much space. 5 or 10G would do. Just keep the water clean and lots of oxygen. And they will bless you with eggs if there are an adult pair.
That is my 2cents.
I wouldn't say "typical" male! But i agree, you have to be comfortable, especially as winter is starting to get cold!

You could keep discus in that temp water and they'd be quite happy i think!

Aaaah but not in a 15g :lol:

The typical male bit was more aimed at the insinuation I made that my hubby is a stubborn b*gger. To be fair though, we need the heating on higher as all of our windows and doors are draughty - and the housing association was supposed to repair them 4 years ago, along with a list of other stuff. Like my disabled shower they were supposed to be fitting in October. We keep calling, they keep saying "We'll call you back" and not bothering. So we could have the heating on lower, but we'd all be in thermals, six layers of clothes, coats, hats and scarves under duvets...

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