High tests


New Member
May 27, 2002
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I have a 54 Litre tank that has been setup for 2 weeks. I seem to have high tests when I test for PH etc. I have tried water changes and can't seem to get my PH down. I need to get it to neutral so that I can get some of the fish I want.

Can anybody help?
:D Test your tap water and see if the problem is comming straight from your tap. If so you might need to get some peat, and filter your water through it to bring the water down. :D
Hi Lindsay. Like Davy says test the tap water first. Also check your decor, you may have some rock, ornament or such like that's boosting the ph. :D Mac.
Can you buy reverse osmosis water in the market? Here in the US, we can buy the RO water for about .29 cents a gallon. This is the way to go to avoid trouble at water changes.
For a while R.O water was becoming quite common here. I think the reefers still use it a lot. I've not seen it in anyof my lfs recently though. It's the stuff I use for my bettas.

It's best to check whats in the tank and the source first though as it may just be a rock or ornament in the water causing the problem.
If the fish are ok then it is probably not a good idea to start adding things to the tank to try and change the pH as this will get them stressed.

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