High Temp In Office On Weekends


Fish Crazy
Aug 6, 2008
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Daytona Beach, FL USA
Preface this by saying I'm in Central Florida...

I stopped up at my office to see how the tank was coming at work this afternoon...and it was 81 degrees according to the thermostat and it was several degrees warmer in my office than near the thermostat. Now I did some googling and apparently as long as I oxygenate the water (going to pick up a bubbler tomorrow and maybe a live plant of some sort, as well as an in-tank thermometer) the high temp shouldn't bother most fishies. My question is though, should I jack up the heater in the tank to maintain like 80 degrees so its not fluctuating as much?

The air in my office gets down to between 72 and 77 (approximate) degrees during a work day depending on the season and if my door is open.
I think much of this depends on the species. I have a 150 gallon tub outside, platy breeding setup, that also has some albino corys & albino bristlenose. The heater is set for 75F, it will get to the mid-upper 80's on a hot summer afternoon, though with a few pieces of styrofoam on top I can keep it to the low-mid 80's. It will drop to 75F during a cool night. The platys are breeding like crazy, so it isn't bothering them.

I would increase surface motion if possible, an air pump will help, or dropping the water level so the water splashes in a little more if you have a hob filter.
Is it an open top tank? If it is you could try a little clip-on fan across the surface. The only downside to this is the increase in evaporation.
Is it an open top tank? If it is you could try a little clip-on fan across the surface. The only downside to this is the increase in evaporation.

No, its a closed top. I've lowered the water level as recommended previously and the filter is bubbling the surface up nicely. The sticky strip thermometer on the tank is no good i think. Goes up to 84 and its still reading off the top of that...I'm probably going to strip that off of there (hooray razor blades!) and get a glass in-tank one for more accurate readings.
Well try to do a small water change by adding a bit of cold water just to regulate the temperature. I guess ur fish will be fine.
Well try to do a small water change by adding a bit of cold water just to regulate the temperature. I guess ur fish will be fine.

Stuck in a 12 inch bubble strip today with a 20gal airpump and stuck in a thermometer. Bought some sinking driftwood today too, its soaking now.
yup the important thing is oxygenation, be slightly careful with the cories, some species do not tolerate high temp's that well but i expect rasbora's will be fine. just pop a post up in the cory forum and they'll advise further on suitable species.

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