I meant 50 percent continual water changes in one day. So do a 50 percent water change then measure for ammonia and if it still isn't down then do it again and again until I get a .5 ppm reading. Might be alittle extreme but I plan on adding bio-spira immediately after I do these water changes to keep the ammonia down. The idea is to not have to do any water changes after I have added the bio-spira for along time so the bio-spira has a chance to colonize in the biological filter. It is a 36 gallon tank. This is what I have
1 angel fish, 3 discuss, 1 butterfly goldfish, 2 small dwarf african frogs, 4 gold snails, 6 german blue rams, 1 pictus cat, 1 gold nugget pleco, 1 trinidad pleco, 1 gold algae eater, 2 boesemani rainbow, and 2 praecox rainbow. ya, I know I think I overstocked some and moreover I think some of those might need a larger tank to fully mature but what can I say I was totally ignorant when starting this. I thought fish tanks where simply but when the tank starting looking bad that is when I started do some research of which should've been done before I started that tank. I have found the people here though to be the best of help. Thanks.