High Quality Photos


Fish Crazy
Feb 12, 2007
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I got bored so took a nice photo of my biggest clown loach and my male flameback, enjoy.


moonlighting? makes me wanna get one :lol:

No actually! It's a coral growing light (actinic?) I use in conjunction with a normal hagen power glo on my community with some excellent plant growth results! I do the same thing on one of my tanks at work.

However I am looking into LED moonlights, perhaps not on either of those tanks, but my new tank is going to be in my bedroom, so I have a good reason to look into it.

Nice photos, what camera ?

Cannon Ixus 50, it's not that great, but good for the size! I'm looking into buying my brothers old camera when he gets a new SLR.
moonlighting? makes me wanna get one :lol:

No actually! It's a coral growing light (actinic?) I use in conjunction with a normal hagen power glo on my community with some excellent plant growth results! I do the same thing on one of my tanks at work.

However I am looking into LED moonlights, perhaps not on either of those tanks, but my new tank is going to be in my bedroom, so I have a good reason to look into it.

Nice photos, what camera ?

Cannon Ixus 50, it's not that great, but good for the size! I'm looking into buying my brothers old camera when he gets a new SLR.
looks good enough to me :)
No actually! It's a coral growing light (actinic?) I use in conjunction with a normal hagen power glo on my community with some excellent plant growth results! I do the same thing on one of my tanks at work.

Interesting, when I was into planted tanks, the general thinking used to be that lights of that colour temp were particularly unsuitable for planted tanks as they have far more in the spectrum which algae enjoys as oppposed to plants.

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