High Ph!


Fish Fanatic
Nov 29, 2011
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My 200l tank has been set up and running for over 2 years now
I test my water for Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate weekly with no problems but stupidly not check my PH
I live in Portsmouth and there is a new LFS just opened around the corner from me
I thought i would take some water in for a test, both tank and tap,  and have a nose in the shop
The results of my PH are worrying
Tank water;
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 10ppm
PH 8.5
Tap water;
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0.3
Nitrate 40ppm
PH 9.0
I did not take enough water to test the GH, or KH
The fish are not in any distress but what is the easiest way to slowly get my PH down
The LFS recommended RO water but i really dont want to go down that route
Any help will be greatly appreciated
i think peat will bring the PH down?
not 100% on that though
Your gH is probably a bit hgher than I have in Southampton (~13/14), Portsmouth is more like 17ish off the top of my head.
Such hard water is not going to be appreciably softened or lowered in pH by adding peat, lots of bogwood etc. Yes you could mix your tap water with RO, but then the RO water will cost you and then you need to test the water to get very similar stats each water change, to prevent fish dying from shock.
Stable water chemistry including pH is far better than water stats that see-saw.
Choose fish that do not come from very soft areas, for instance most of my fish come from the Zaire River which varies a lot in hardness through the year, but there are also livebearers (Ilyodon xantusi); Chaetostoma spp.; Megalechis thoracata to name but a few from outside Africa.
Thanks for that N0body Of The Goat
As you say messing around with RO water will be a pain
I will just have to read up  when i eventually restock my tank
Asda Bottled still water (value brand) used to be 15p 2 litres. Don't know if it still is. ;)

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