High Ph


New Member
Nov 29, 2006
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Raleigh NC
my pH has been pretty stable the past few weeks, but stable at around 8.5-7. my fish don't seem to be affected and it doesn't seem to be a problem right now, i just wanna fix it before it becomes a problem.

i have some home-made rock (it was well cured before i put it in), i have a few sea shells in there, and i use this suppliment to help accelerate the growth of the aglea on my live rock, these are the only three things i can think of that might be the source.

any suggestions on lowering it just a tad?
Yeah, stop dosing that coarline algae accellerator ;). pH is pretty complex in saltwater aquaria but the situation you're describing leads me to believe that your problem is excessively high carbonate and bi-carbonate (alkalinity) coupled with perhaps a little releasing of hydroxide ion from not pefectly cured home-made rock. Something tells me if you buy an alkalinity test kit (or take a sample to your LFS to check), you'll find a reading in the 12+ dKH range and probably a corresponding calcium of maybe 420ppm (just a guess). Those coraline algae accellerators consist of mostly carbonate/bicarbonate and dosing with that solely will raise your alk and thus your pH. You're correct in wanting to get it down, cause high alk with imbalanced low calcium can be exceptionally dangerous.

Have a read through this article high pH causes and cures

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