High Ph Goby


Fish Addict
Feb 20, 2009
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Hi are there any gobys that live in high ph? So far I have found the bumblebee goby and Black Toraja goby, Mugilogobius sarasinorum. Not sure I will be able to get hold of one though. 
Any suggestions welcomed. 
Specifically what is you PH - different people have different definitions of high.

Desert goby prefers PH 7-8.5 which I assume meets your brief? It's scientific name is Chlamydogobius eremius and it grows around 6cm
Black knight goby might work as well / although many say they prefer brackish tanks (I have no experience either way) and they will eat anything that fits in their mouth. There a lot easier to get hold of than most freshwater gobies though.
I like the desert goby but not seen any in shops yet, I know viscum may be able to get some in. However, what would be a good house mate. I wanted to go for a small shell dweller group. Not sure they will get harassed by them though. 
I'd be honest I don't know how high my ph is but I am using my aragonite sand which I used for my marine setup and I used to test with some test strip test kit, I used to get 8-8.2 ph. I have used my test strips but I assume the aragonite sand is still buffering the water. 

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