disclaimer: I don't claim to be an expert-
Ok basically- ammonia is food to one form of bacteria, nitrites are food to another form.
if you want to cycle quickly- having lots (in terms of what fish can tolerate) of ammonia will soon build up the ammonia eating bacteria and will yield lots (in terms of what fish can tolerate) nitrite. Having all that nitrite will help grow the nitrite eating bacteria.
having just enough "food" any organisim will stay in equalibrium, having an excess of food (without any other hazards) the number of the organisim will grow until it reaches equilibrium.
So, in your case, if you leave more nitrites in the water (by not doing as much water changing) you decrease the excess "food" (aka nitrites) and that form of bacteria do not grow as quickly, and your tank will not be fully cycled as quick.
BUT if you do not remove the nitrites, it could have adverse effects on your fish.
In the ideal world, you'd be able to steal some bacteria from a set up tank, cycle fishlessly allowing bacteria to grow quickly without harming any fish, then just do a large water change and insert all the fish you want. That isn't your case (wasn't mine while setting up either).
My advice, do water changes often. its better to cycle slowly than deal with tons of problems that were cause by poor water.
good luck