High Nitrite


New Member
Feb 21, 2003
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Istanbul, Turkey
:no: I have my very small tank (20 litres, 4 gal?) which i bought a month ago. it shows very high nitrite levels and i cannot decrease it whatever i do. i changed %20 of the water for a week every day and %80 twice in 2 weeks time. I even changed the gravel to a finer one but it didnt help. by the way im using an eheim 2006 internal filter and it seems working fine (i also used another cheaper filter before). my fish seems doing fine (5 neon tetras and 2 mollies) but im worried. by the way the ph reads 6.7 and the temprature is 25 to 26 degrees C. Thanx...
It sounds like your tank is in mid cycle!! By doing water chamges every day, you may have slowed the cycle process down!! Also by changing the gravel, you may have removed a part of the good bacteria causing a nitrite spike!!

What are your ammonia levels like?? How about nitrate levels? Your ph and temp seems fine at this point.

If available you could try some nitrosorb and see if that helps, but I think it is just a matter of to much water changing and gravel removal to soon!!!

Keep us posted as to how things progress over the next few days!!!

Thanx for the quick reply. I dont have an amonia test kit yet i think i should get one. the nitrate level seems to be fine its very low below 12mg l the nitrite reads near 3.3mg l which is way up the danger zone 2 days ago one of the molly started scraping itself to what she can find the gravel the filter the plastic plants i use and i thought there is something wrong.
by the way in turkey the most popular products are the german ones like tetra and sera foods test kits and so on and i use nitrivec by sera to activate the anti nitrite bacterias... thanx again
Its a good idea to add more bio life every water change if cycling with fish. It will decrease the tank cycling time.
5 days passed and the nitrite is still at top level and i have not changed water since. the water is getting cloudy also and one of the molly is itching any suggestions :sad:
Tricky situation Camelogue :unsure:

By doing a water change before the tank is cycled you prolong the cycle....

The fish is probably stressed and could be exibiting symptoms of disease, you could try say 25% water change to see if makes them any happier.

What are your readings like now?

Kepp us updated to your progress/situation :thumbs:

you should have tried a more hardy fish like gold fish to set the tank up. :D
I use these to get the tank nitrite nitrate and bacteria to safe levels. :hyper:
Im no professional but i know it works, as gold fish can live in more situations than any fish i know :crazy:
Except the lung fish lol
today I did a %25 water change and the kids are doing fine but the nitrite is still at peak level arrrgghhh :X
does using activated carbon work in a situation like this?
Just a thought, what are your ammonia readings?

Also, are you useing a dechlorinator when you perform water changes? If not the chlorine in the tap water will kill all the beneficial bacteria and ur back to square 1....
Basic test kits for any fish keeper...



I would always have the top 3, and possibly the nitrate if possible.

You need to know that your tank has cycled and that ur filter is functioning properely...

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