High Nitrate


Fish Fanatic
Sep 23, 2002
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Help wanted please.
I have a 120 litre community tank established in October last year, running with no problems or deaths since November. I woke up this morning to find 2 male guppies dead. I did a water change 8 days ago (readings all OK) and a thorough gravel clean (but not a water change) last night and they were OK then.
I did an immediate water test and the ammonia and nitrIte were both zero but the nitrAte was off the scale!
I did a 30% water change, waited an hour and did another water test with exactly the same results! In between I did a water test on the fresh water I used for the water change just to prove my method and the test kit, the nitrAte was 5.0 ppm :)
Panic had really set in by now, so another 30% water change was completed with the same nitrAte reading, 160+ ppm :sad:
I can't understand why the nitrAte is so high and why 2x30% changes don't seem to have reduced it.
If there was anything dead or rotting in there I would have spotted it when I cleaned the gravel. Surely the bacteria must be OK otherwise the ammonia/ nitrIte levels would be up as well.
The filter is the standard Jewel internal that came with the tank, I wash the filter medium in the water change water, to preserve the bacteria and I dont think the tank is over stocked.........
1x male beta, 1x unknown catfish, about 12 neon tetras, 4 x black widow tetras, 2 golden loaches, 4x mollies and 7 guppies.
All comment or suggestion would be most welcome.
Many thanks
About 3-4 months old, as I said, I measured the tapwater with the same kit and it was 5.0 ppm, so it appears to be OK.
Just done another test and its down to 40 ppm so at least its a bit safer now, if not ideal. I'll do another water change tomorrow and try and get it down. All occupants appear to be OK :)

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