High Nitrate


Fish Fanatic
Jan 1, 2007
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for some reason i have high nitrate. I just did a water change as well as a filter (the blue/carbon screen) and the nitrate levels haven't moved. It is showin at about 7 on the test kit. What should i do?
for some reason i have high nitrate. I just did a water change as well as a filter (the blue/carbon screen) and the nitrate levels haven't moved. It is showin at about 7 on the test kit. What should i do?

First off...to help..you have to post your setup, what's in your tank, you filtration method, fish? feeding? Gotta give us something to work with here. SH
ok lol. 30 gallon tank. I have the crushed coral substrate. 32lbs of live rock, i have a clownfish and a yellow tail damsel. I feed them 3 times a week. I have 1 nasarrius snail, 3 turbo, 5 blue leg hermit crabs, and 2 scarlet. Filter is an emperor 280 bio-wheel power filter. 280gph. tanks been running about 7-8 weeks now.
ok ill take it off. will that make a difference though in the filtration?
well its been about 2 hours since i took the wheel off and the tank should have cycled through the filter a good number of times by now and the nitrate level is still the same. any ideas?
the nitrate leves won't go down that fast. If i were you i would do another water change and add some activated carbon if your not already running it.
well i did a 25% waterchange today so i dont think i shoudl change that much water. THe only carbon i have is the stuff inside the blue filters that you put in that slot in the filter. Where do i put that activated carbon stuff?
sry, yeah if you did a 25% water change already forget what i said above :good: Is the carbon in the blue filters in there now?. If no they activated carbon would usally go in the sump or a HOB filter like you biowheel filter
well yea theres carbon in the blue filters if thats all i need. It comes already inside them with the plastic piece in the box. Should i have more detritus eating marine life to take care of the nitrate or just wait?
What test kit are you using, and have you had your results verified by your LFS?
for some reason i have high nitrate. I just did a water change as well as a filter (the blue/carbon screen) and the nitrate levels haven't moved. It is showin at about 7 on the test kit. What should i do?

When you say 7, 7 what exactly? How many ppm is that (parts per million)

Whats your ammonia and nitrite readings in ppm?
it was 7 ppm. I have the test kit from dr. foster smith.com that has all of the drop bottles with the different tubes. I took it to my lfs today and they said the nitrate s ok though. must have been my test kit.

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