high calcium?


New Member
Sep 3, 2005
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hi :) ive just tested my water and it said i have a calcium level of 600ppm can this be right? its a nutrafin master test kit, i bought it about a month ago it says my ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 0, ph 8.1, phosphate 0.25. can anyone help me? thanks in advance :thumbs:

im using Tropic marin pro reef.
I wuold say this is a false reading. Im not 100% sure on this but i beleive that once calcium reaches 550ppm or above it presipitates and leaves the dissolved suspension in the water and forms a white substance over the rocks and sand.

I would take a sample of water to your lfs and ask them to test it for you.
What's with the elevated phosphates tho'? What kind of water are you using? SH
im using RO water :/ 0.25 high then? whats the best way to get rid of phosphate? and navarre my coralline algae is turning white thats why i tested the water, what do you think it could be?
the algae turning white might be fromtoo much light. My findings are that coraline that has grown on liverock doesnt adjust well when exposed ot high lights of an aquarium. The coraline usually comes back eventually of course but by then its far more acustomed to hte new lighting.
I wuold say this is a false reading. Im not 100% sure on this but i beleive that once calcium reaches 550ppm or above it presipitates and leaves the dissolved suspension in the water and forms a white substance over the rocks and sand.

I would take a sample of water to your lfs and ask them to test it for you.

this is correct but as for your phosphates they are slightly high but nothing to worry about to much, you should aim for a phosphate reading of 0ppm, also do not keep your lights on for any longer than 8 hours a day as any longer will cause a rise in phosphates and in turn will result in a build up of undesireable algae.
there are plenty of additives out there you can buy to help reduce your phosphates such as ROWAPHOS or PHOSBAN.
rowaphos is what i have used in the past and all you do is place the required amount into a filter medium (a mesh like bag) and then place that into your filter pump.

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