What are the cichlids? How big are they? Are there many of them in the tank? How big is the tank?
I ask because cichlids are messy fish. To keep the non-dwarf species in any numbers you need a big tank with a big filter, certainly a bigger filter than you would need for the same tank just containing regular community fish (tetras, barbs, etc.).
Assuming the tank is mature and stable, with cichlids, a fairly large water change (maybe 50%) per week will be in order. This is typical for African cichlids and things like discus.
The fish shouldn't be threatened by water changes, and if you do them regularly, will get used to it.
As for filters, I always try and space out cleaning filters as much as possible. At most, clean the filter once a month. Thoroughly clean (perhaps replace) the pre-filter under a running tap. The pre-filter is either filter wool, a coarse sponge, or coarse ceramic tubes. The biological filter medium, which will be the finer sponge or finer ceramic tubes, should be simply rinsed in a bucket of aquarium water. It should never be cleaned more thoroughly than that because doing so will kill the bacteria.
If you don't know which part of your filter is the pre-filter and which is the biological filter, then simply rinse everything in aquarium water. Some filters don't have pre- and biological filters, the medium is one solid lump of wool or sponge, and again only clean in a bucket of water from the aquarium, never under the tap.