high ammonia


Fish Crazy
Sep 30, 2004
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how do i get rif my ammonia its at around 3 mg/l i need to get it down quick fishies been dying :( only ones happy are neons,bala shark and cory they ar ehaving a ball not being effected but im trying to get blue rams and kribensis ( i dont think kribs are effected by it caus ei never did anything but put straight water in a tank when i had them years ago, btw i was very young then) im not saying since the fish arent effected i dont wanna get rid of i need to do soemthing ASAP

Water changes daily until the levels drop. It is the only way. I am surprised the fish you list are doing ok, they are often among the first to be affected. You need to keep up the water changes...you will have a Nitrite rise following the Ammonia, and this is also harmful. Keep up the water maintenance until both Ammonia and Nitrite read zero.

Also!! Do not add any more fish until your levels read 0! Whereas your current stock might have grown somewhat temporarily tolerant to the rising levels, new stock will die of shock.

Good luck! :)
k thanx, angels have been the most effected by this

nitrite is 0 and ph is 7.5 currently all good its just the ammonia has to be changed immeditly should i add chlorine and chloramine remover before into the new water before putting it in tank??

im trying my best to get this back on track :(
nitrite is 0 and ph is 7.5 currently all good its just the ammonia has to be changed immeditly should i add chlorine and chloramine remover before into the new water before putting it in tank

Yes, I tend to add the dechlorinator to the new water and stir it around for a few seconds then add the new water to your tank. :D

Also I agree with CathyG, watch the levels of NitrIte they will rise after an ammonia spike. You need to do daily water changes and keep ammonia and nitrIte levels under 1 ppm (or lower if possible) :rolleyes:

Good Luck
Yes, you must always dose new tap water for chlorine and chloromine according to the volume added (not the total volume of the tank) It is ok to dose the tank before the new water is added, but it should not be after since chlorine will kill the beneficial bacteria that you are aiming to culture.

Like I said, the Nitrite will rise next, and as that drops the Nitrate levels will rise.

Do you know what has caused these parameters? Is this a mini cycle, or did you not cycle the tank at all before adding sensitive fish?
i have heard guppies are not that "very" sensitive to this? well i been through 1 pair, the male i understand cause i believe the beta has gotten ahold of itbut the cory and shark are extremely fine :-| they both run aroudn the tank chasin eachother in the glass

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