High Ammonia And Nitrate Help Plz


Fish Crazy
Sep 15, 2010
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Hi Guys

Around a year ago I started testing my water after problems with finrot, the results at the time were as follows

PH 7.8, Ammonia 0.25ppm, Nitrite 0ppm and Nitrate 40ppm.

The thing is even though my tank has definently improved since then my test results remain the same.

Can anyone please advise how to lower my ammonia and Nitrate levels pls?.
It will be interesting to see why your nitrite is 0 as it doesn't seem right, when someone answers..........
nitrite should be 0 it shows its being converted to nitrate. 0.25 ammonia could be overfeeding?? how often do u do water changes and how much do you change
The thing is even though my tank has definently improved since then my test results remain the same.

Dodgy test kit perhaps especially with ammonia. My tanks both seem to have 0.25 ppm of ammonia but then so does my tap water and the water in the water butts outside so I'm assuming either I'm colour blind or the test kit is not quite right; whichever it is (and I think the latter), I live with it.

I use an API Master Test Kit.
I change at least 50% water a week (Ive allways done weekly water changes)and im using the api liquid test kit also.

Im very carefull with feeding and im running two filters, one is a fluval 2 and the other is a fluval u4 which are both mature media wise i also use prime for my new tank water.

i also get the same ammonia results from tap water also just as shiny side up mentions.
the API test kit for ammonia always stumped me - could barely tell the difference between 0 and 0.25

have you tried running a test on a sample of bottle mineral water and your tank water, then holding them up together? Taht will show clearly if the tank sample is slightly green or not.
Maybe I missed it, it's early and I haven't seen the bottom of a coffee mug yet. But have you done anything to the tank lately? Added more fish or messed with the substrate at all? Something that might have kicked off a minicycle?
The tank went through a mini cycle about 8 months ago but since then the tank has been disease free and my plants are not amazing but growing well enough until i set up the 4 footer (and gain a bit more knowledge )which has sat empty in my living room for the last 6 months.

I have added fish as i lost 90% of my previous stock to fin rot but this has been a slow process checking lfs stock and adding no more than 3 fish at a time with plenty of time inbetween adding anymore fish the last two added were the gbrs about 2 month ago. All my fish are visibly healthy with bright colours except 1 gbr which has been dominated , im going to quarantine it soon as i get chance to set up the tank,

also my stocking is 6 diamond tetras, 8 cardinals, 2 gbrs, 1 joseff pleco(im not sure on what plec this really is), 1 marble hatchett i wanna up the numbers but cant get hold of any at the mo, 1 apple snail.

Mixed diet of frozen, dried and flake food, All fed in moderation from a syringe and i put a couple of pieces of potato in the tank for no more than 6 hours at a time once a week.

Ive changed and improved the way i do things a fair bit since i had the mini cycle and finrot but STILL MY WATER STATS ARE THE SAME and as for the test kit ive used it on a friends tank and he had different results (thread to follow).

The gravel is about 2" depth and I vacumn half the tank alternatley once week.
My tap comes with at least 40mg/l nitrate in it, for most fish this is not an issue until results show ~300mg/l.

0.25mg/l ammonia is not a major concern but needs daily monitoring to see if it rises further. Our test kits give us results combining safe ammonium and dangerous ammonia, the balance between these two is altered by temperature and pH. For most of us, it is when ammonia readings get to ~1mg/l when we really need to react quickly, soing a massive (~95%) water change.

On the other hand, nitrite affects how fish get oxygen into their bloodstream and I would always advise a massive ~95% water change upon getting a 0.25mg/l reading or higher.
thanks ive just done my weekly water change and when checking my fish my smaller gbr is looking pretty poor so will make sure he gets rested in the qt tank asap apart from that one fish all others are looking fine.

Ill also post water results later
thanks ive just done my weekly water change and when checking my fish my smaller gbr is looking pretty poor so will make sure he gets rested in the qt tank asap apart from that one fish all others are looking fine.

Ill also post water results later

Yeah keep at eye on the exact water stats. You may need to do more than just your weekly water changes until you sort out whatever is going on.

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