Hiding Places?


Fish Fanatic
May 2, 2004
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ok so i got my 45 gallon and the fish i am planning to get need hiding places, what are the best things to buy for hiding places? like if i buy rocks how would i do it? should i buy caves decorations or what? need help thanks :dunno:
I use wood to create hiding places in ost of my tanks. Rocks are also good as well as plant pots. You can build the rocks up to make caves or just place them on the ground so the fish can hide behind them.
plants (live or plastic), a couple pieces of slate, driftwood, and some various rocks will always be nice additions for hiding places. some rocks have holes cut in them and are fun to watch fish swim through ... or if they don't swim through then u might be able to see the fish through them. slate is my favorite for making caves. propping driftwood on a rock or two will also make a swim-through shelter.

HTH and have fun (aquascaping is my favorite part of fish keeping)

edit: sorry for repeating - we musta been posting at the same time, cheese
I would buy different types of decorations where the fish can get underneath and arrange any rocks so they don't fall on the fish. I also float a plant in my tank, I'm not sure if its a good idea or would work for you, but my fish like it.
Hi NDIrish7 :)

If you're handy and think you might want to make something unique for your tank, here's a link that might give you some inspiration:


The one in the article would probably be too big for your tank, but it will give you something to think about. :nod:

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