hidey holes?


don't be a twit
Feb 6, 2005
Reaction score
Berkeley, CA, USA
hey there! i'm wanting me what i believe to be a "dwarf stonebasher" (little mormymid). anyways, i need to figure out what would make a nice cave/tunnel/hidey-hole.

i've seen where in the LFS they've been using hamster tubes :lol: not quite what i had in mind but i'll do that if necessary... i guess i could just tie on some java fern :rolleyes:

so ja, what do you use? and how natural does it look? who's territory is it in? as you may have guessed, i'm open to all sorts of suggestions.
Here's my khulie condo, as I call it. My cories and even my small pleco would even share it with the khulies. It's a fake stone like cave, only cost me $9. Khulis love the shade(there's no shade in the picture because of the flash) it provides as you can see. :D

I've been using stacked flat granite.

I've been considering some soapstone but....I'm not sure I can find a decent peice that's big enough. If I did carrying t back would be a pita...it's about a mile off the road.

A good natural cave up to a size is to take some PVC pipe and silicon some of whatever you use for substrate to it. There was a thread on it here in the DIY forum that I found a great help. Great if you bury it and looks natural.
Driftwood, siliconed together if needed. Right now for my baby RTC I have a blue hamster tube buried 3/4 of the way down under the substrate at a angle, so that his "tunnel" goes "underground". He seems to enjoy it. :D

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