
New Member
Apr 27, 2005
Reaction score
Oakton, VA
Hey all!

Just wanted to say hi!

I'm new to this site, and I wanted to look around some.

I'm fairly new to owning fish. One of my bettas I've had for 3 months, the other two I've had for about a month. Each is in their own 1 gallon tank.

This looks like a very helpful, interesting forum.

I look forward to talking to you all more!
Welcome to the forum :thumbs: Just a forewarning...being around us will soon make you an addict :/ It happens and there is no way out. Run...run now!! :p
Hi and welcome to the board. :cool:
I'm noticing the addiction thing already. :D

This all started when I was in petsmart, and decided, for no apparent reason to get a betta. I then did a lot of research, got better tanks, etc.

Then one of my friends needed to get rid of some of her tanks and fish, so i took the 10 gallon tank, and a bunch of fish.

I love my betta so much that I ended up getting two more. It seems that every month I add more fish/tanks to my room. It's scary. :)
I started here with 1 betta, then abopted 2 from wuvmybetta and the addiction never stopped, I'm currently up to 7 bettas!

:thumbs: Welcome to the board! :thumbs:
We all started somewhere, I started with goldfish. I have now upgraded to a total of 6 tanks, 4 betta boys and 55 other fish too! Welcome and have fun!
Welcome moneycar! :) I have been here a couple of months now.

But I still just have one betta :p

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