Hi :-)


New Member
Mar 12, 2022
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Hello everyone :)

I'm carabid, and I'm not new to the hobby but I'm no expert either. I currently only have one tank-- a 9 gallon planted with neocaridinas, rabbit and nerite snails, and a male koi betta, the tank has been up and running for about 2 years and the shrimp have been around in a steady population for a little over a year and the 2 snails have been present for over a year as well. The betta is new as of today!

I am a biology student going into wildlife/fisheries and previously worked for 4 years as an aquatics specialist at an American large chain pet store (I know, a little yikes), so I have a general understanding of the chemistry and biology of keeping fish, and how to identify most fish illnesses and parasites; but I also know that many people have more experience and specialized knowledge than me. Specifically with fish illness I can usually identify the problem, but am unsure how best to go about correcting/treating things, since retail fish selling doesn't really foster proper treatment. My last betta (a marble koi like this one) lived well for a year before developing a tumor at the base of his tail, and I am hoping by joining the forums that I can become a better fish keeper and prevent/handle situations like that one better in the future.

I'm looking forward to learning from you guys! Nice to E-meet you!
Welcome to TFF!! Sorry about your previous betta, I know how hard loosing them is....SIP. Do you have any pics of your new betta? I'd love to see him!
Welcome to TFF.
Be sure to vote in our tank of the month contest.
Hi and welcome to the forum :)

This is a bit late but the following links might interest you. The first link is about what to do if your fish get sick and covers some of the more common diseases. In post #2 there is a section on using salt to treat some diseases.

The second link is about white spot and post #1 and #16 have information on that including different ways to treat it.


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