
nicky b

Fish Fanatic
Nov 10, 2011
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I've just signed up to this forum, Ive had my 160lt tank set up just over a month now,
I have 2 oscars, one red one tiger, one firemouth cichlid, two silver sharks and two pictus catfish.
I'm a total noob when it comes to my tanks plants etc...

Hope you guys can hlp me out soon, thanks.

Good afternoon and welcome to the forum! :good: Sorry to say, those fish will get way too big for your tank. You are severly overstocked. And I wouldn't put live plants with oscars. They destroyed all of my plants and everything else they can. They even ate my heater. No matter how you look at it, you are going to need a bigger tank.
yeah they are only 2inch at the moment and they seem to be doing just fine with my plants what i have already got in my tank they dont really take much notice, and i already have another tank lined up when my oscars out grow my tank what i have now, its going to be a juwel 350 litter bow fronted corner tank
Oscars Will need a Big tank, And you have to be careful what you put with them. You will need a HUGE tank to cater for all these fish, :hyper:

OSCARS : Minimum of 5 Gallons When Fully Grown Adults
SILVER SHARKS : Masive amounts of Water. At least a 5 Foot
PICTUS CATS : Minimum of 55 Gallon
FIREMOUTH CICHLID : 30+ Gallons, 4 Foot Tank

You really need to consider your stocking
OSCARS : Minimum of 5 Gallons When Fully Grown Adults
I do hope that's a typo, phil!!!

OP; I'm afraid the other posters are right. You need a larger tank sooner rather than later, or your fish will be stunted and will become deformed and unhealthy :(

But :hi: to the forum; please don't think we're 'picking' on you; we just care passionately about fish, and want them all (and their owners!) to be happy and healthy :good:
i know i know i have heard it all befor haha the tank i have is an 42 gallon and the one i will be getting is an 92 gallon i don't play on getting anymore stock, but i really would like a havily planted tank i saw onw the other day with three 7 to 10 inch oscars in it. But like you guys say they will rip them out but i was wondring because they are only babys atm if they would get used to having plants in the tank with them so as they get older they would leave them alone, like at the moment my oscars don't take any notice of them what so ever.

Hers my setup so far :)

P.S Oscars are so greedy its unreal :p
You could try plastic plants, perhaps siliconed to rocks, but every oscar I've ever known has riped up real plants. Our oscar even destroys Java fern, which is almost indestructable; even goldfish don't eat Java fern :crazy:

Incidentally, the plants you've got near the skull are not true aquatics and will soon die off if you leave them in.
Oh dear, well im going to see how it works out trying to have a planted tank with my two little buggers :lol: and see how it goes because real plantes are good for filtration and etc, but if it dose not work out ill stick to fake plants :good:

Thanks guys talk soon im sure ill need som help in the nxt few day :p
OSCARS : Minimum of 5 Gallons When Fully Grown Adults
I do hope that's a typo, phil!!!

OP; I'm afraid the other posters are right. You need a larger tank sooner rather than later, or your fish will be stunted and will become deformed and unhealthy :(

But :hi: to the forum; please don't think we're 'picking' on you; we just care passionately about fish, and want them all (and their owners!) to be happy and healthy :good:

HaHa Just seen this lol 5" Tank lol not 5 gallon, :blush: Cheers fluttermoth :lol:
Oh i forgot to mention the plants you buy from the fish shops only last a few weeks because there not true aquatic plants is this true, and if so where could i find some propper aquatics plants witch will grow and keep on growing throw my tank and last thats if my oscars not start playing silly #29### and start ripping them out as they start getting older/biggger ?
Not all LFS will sell Non Aquatic Plants, And even the ones that do will sell a few non aquatic but the rest will tend to be fully aquatic.
If you want a super easy plant, look at things like Cabomba, Elodea, Vallis, and Java Fern :good:

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