Hi :)

I keep on looking at adult sizes, removing however many of select fish from tank volume of 29. I'm still calculating a total of 32" of fish. Would that matter?

Please get at least 6 corydoras. They are shoaling fish and just aren't as happy with a smaller number. Most fish do better in larger groups, but you need to do your research on each kind of fish to make that determination.

The "inch of fish per gallon" rule is a bit too arbitrary for success. It all depends on the fish. If a fish is skinny and flat it doesn't produce as much as a plumper fish.

The list you have right now would be fine for a 15g, so maybe start out with that list, and the more you find out the more fish you can add later.
Ah brilliant, I'm just paranoid about overstocking :eek:.

I'll definately get 6 cories, 6-8 tetras and the 4 honey gouramis.

Thanks again, straightened out a good few worries I had.

Sounding better. Glad you're paranoid about overstocking ... it's better than not even thinking about it!

Please post photos when you're all set up. We LOVE photos here!
I shall be doing, I have a huuuge local aquatics warehouse (completely converted into a massive aquarium) nearby so on my fish purchase day i'll get lots of Pics of all the beauties there :). Very reasonable prices too.

Fingers crossed my tank comes soon :D

I shall be doing, I have a huuuge local aquatics warehouse (completely converted into a massive aquarium) nearby so on my fish purchase day i'll get lots of Pics of all the beauties there :). Very reasonable prices too.

Fingers crossed my tank comes soon :D


Looking forward to seeing those photos!
Thanks for Welcome Colleen. I'll be getting some play sand very soon. Another question which plants go well with corys, gouramis and tetras? Looking at having a nice variety for the fish to explore.


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