

Fish Fanatic
Feb 7, 2004
Reaction score
Newport, South wales
Ok, I brought a tank yesterday, £70, it was a tropical starter tank. It has a heater, a lamp, a filter, fravel, plants and aquarian tropical food, water conditioners. Everything.

It is 60 litres I think. I couldn't afford a bigger one due to little spare money I have.

Are neon tetras ok with guppies?

Is the tank ok for...

Twelve neon tetras.
Two swordtails.
Two dwarf gouramis.
Two platy's. (If room, maybe four platy's)
Four guppies.
And a type of pleco, i've not looked around for them much.
I so desperatly want angel fish but I hera they are fin-nippers.

Do you think all those fish would be good for a tank? I think its about 13.2 imp gallons.

My dad has kept tropicals before and he knows all about the heating, PH etc

Also, what do you all think about water conditioners?
Any help would be greatfully appreaciated.

Kaylaaa x
Hello and welcome. :)

I'd say 12 neons are fine and so are the dwarf gouramis. It would be best to choose only one type of livebearers though (to avoid overstocking). A 60 litre tank is on the small side for swordtails, so I suggest either platies or guppies. If you want both sexes, 1 male and 2 females is a good ratio.

In the wild, livebearers prefer hard water, while neons like soft. However, these days most of the tank-bred livebearers can tolerate a wider range of water conditions so it's often not an issue. You can always ask the LFS what water their livebearers are kept in.

Note that most plecos (if not all) grow too big for a 60 litre tank. Look for one that has a max size of 4in. No small pleco species come to mind at the moment, but perhaps someone else can suggest a suitable one.

Angelfish are usually not fin nippers, but they need a tank that's at least 18in (preferably 20in) tall, so they wouldn't fit in a 60 litre anyway.

By water conditioners, I assume you mean dechlorinators and such? I always use them (namely Tetra Aquasafe) just in case, as I use tap water in my tanks.
Hi! Thank-you.

Is a butterfly pleco good? I already have one of those in my fifty gallon. I hear they can be territorial with other ground dwelling fish?

How does this sound, then..

Two dwarf gouramis.
8 tetras
4 guppies. Why not house livebearers together? Can they become territorial with eachother or something? Because I really like platy's, they're ever so prety. What are mollies like? Would they be good to house with guppies?

Yes. I meant dechlorineaters (can't spell it! :p ). So would you recommend to use them in a brand new tank?

Thank-you, again :D
Morrgan said:
Hello and welcome. :)

I'd say 12 neons are fine and so are the dwarf gouramis. It would be best to choose only one type of livebearers though (to avoid overstocking). A 60 litre tank is on the small side for swordtails, so I suggest either platies or guppies. If you want both sexes, 1 male and 2 females is a good ratio.

In the wild, livebearers prefer hard water, while neons like soft. However, these days most of the tank-bred livebearers can tolerate a wider range of water conditions so it's often not an issue. You can always ask the LFS what water their livebearers are kept in.

Note that most plecos (if not all) grow too big for a 60 litre tank. Look for one that has a max size of 4in. No small pleco species come to mind at the moment, but perhaps someone else can suggest a suitable one.

Angelfish are usually not fin nippers, but they need a tank that's at least 18in (preferably 20in) tall, so they wouldn't fit in a 60 litre anyway.

By water conditioners, I assume you mean dechlorinators and such? I always use them (namely Tetra Aquasafe) just in case, as I use tap water in my tanks.
60litres is kind of small, only 16US gallons right?

Hmmm I know of plecs that don't get very big including L134 and L052 but I don't know if I personally would put the in there to be honest.

You say you ahev a butterfly plec? I have one too L052 and mine is not territorial from what I can see and I have a lot of bottom dwellers. Maybe you should try 3 or 4 otos instead as IMO L052 will be too big for that tank.

It depends maybe on which butterfly plec you have - L052 or L168

I have the first and on Planet Catfish it says they get to 4" but mine i bigger and they are very wide, at least compared to my other plec.

Peachybrown said:
Why not house livebearers together? Can they become territorial with eachother or something? Because I really like platy's, they're ever so prety. What are mollies like?
I have personally kept platies and guppies together, worked out fine. In this case I was just worried about overstocking, that's all. :) If you get both sexes, you'll soon have a lot of fry in that tank. If you get only one sex (I suggest males, for females in the LFS are often pregnant) you could get maybe 2-3 each of platies and guppies.

As for dechlorinators, I use them when I change the water, not when I fill up a tank for the first time. The tank will cycle for a while anyway, so the chloride/chloramines in the original water will most likely evaporate during that time. If you cycle with fish, the tank has to be on its own for a few days anyway, to even out temperatures and such, and I think that should be enough too. (Someone correct me if I'm wrong here.)

I want some neon tetras, a dwarf gourami or two, some platy's and some guppies.

How many of which do you recommend? And what sexes? Remember my tank isn't huge and space is very limited, it is thirteen gallons. I think I would like more than two guppies. Thanks, again. :D
Peachybrown said:

I want some neon tetras, a dwarf gourami or two, some platy's and some guppies.

How many of which do you recommend? And what sexes? Remember my tank isn't huge and space is very limited, it is thirteen gallons. I think I would like more than two guppies. Thanks, again. :D
Did you read my above post about the plecs? -_-
Hi, sorry.

That was very rude of me, please accept my apoligies.

I must be honest, I don't understand what you mean by 'L134' and all of them.. i'm kinda slow :p

I think what I will do is get my basic fish bit by bit then maybe if I have room at my end result I will think about the plec because I don't want to get muddled up and buy the wrong type because the petshop where I will get my fish from arent perfect and probably are more muddled than me.:(

I'm not ignorant, really :D

Thank you,
Kayla xx :)
Don't worry, I understand you can miss posts!!

In my post about the plecs, there are numbers underlined, those are links so you can go see if that's what you have.

If it's neither of them I am afraid it might be a hillstream loach which are often mislabelled my lfs as butterfly plecs/hong kong plecs and various other things.

Let me know if yours is either of those linked to above.


He is in a coldwater tank with my goldfish, bob jeff, tiny and titch :p

I guess it is at room temp, the tank has an air pump which is on most of the day. I don't know the exact temperature next time I am down my LPS I wil buy one, I brought one for my aquarium though.

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