

Fish Fanatic
Sep 23, 2005
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] I hope no one minds, but I decided to post my intro here since it is the only section that really applies to my here. I am the owner of 15 pets and 3 are rescued betta.
I'm fairly new to the betta world, but the little buggers really fascinate me. I have too many pets and too little money now, but some day I may just start my own little rescue for unwanted and abused betta.
Right now, my betta family includes Poseidon, Neptune and Amphitrite.

The stories behind the betta:
SInce I saw my first betta, sitting in a cup on a petstore shelf, I have been sickened by their neglect. I decided one day that I'd give a betta a great home and give it the best of care. Originaly I was going to get a female, but I could not find any anywhere. I set up a 20H planted aquarium with a penguin filter and a heater and all of that, waiting for the the right fish. I walked into Petsmart one day and saw they had a brand new shipment of betta all in tiny cups (at least they had bettamax in them) and I looked around and found the largest betta, he was flaring at another betta that was actually a good distance away. He was royal blue with a tiny bit of red and as her flared his fins filled the entire little cup from top to bottom. Well after he was acclimated and released into the tank, I found out he was (strangly enough) a color changing fish, my blue betta turn almost completely redish/pink in one day. To this day his color changes now and then (now he is more blue/purple with lots of red and a dark chocolate/blue body). He has also grown to be even larger, he is the biggest betta I've ever seen with my own eyes (probably because of his large tank and already large size). Unfortunately his tail was torn in a cat/fish incident and never recover and tears again and again despite all attempts to fix it. This was Poseidon very soon after I got him and he had started to change colors.

This is him now

He also blows the biggest bubblenest he can, somtimes spending days on each one.

Next is Neptune, he is a very recent addition. I was tired of seeing betta dead in there jars at Meijers (Meijers and Pet Supplies Plus are the worse of the worst in betta neglect) so I decided to bring one home. I wasn't going to go to alot of trouble to set up a big tank for a dying fish (and i don't have the room) so I got a little Critter Carrier and brought home a very tiny male betta. He was very pale, mostly white,ghostly white on his face contrasting with his dark black and gold eyes and had a little dark pink on his boby and some dull pink on his fins. After a few days he looked magnificent with his patritotic red/white and blue. This his him now:

He has now been upgraded to a filtered 1 gallon tank.

Lastly is amphitrite. Once again I was at the Mejiers fish department, they had just redone it and were slowly adding fish for (usung fishy cycling) and already they were badly over crowding (15 or so baby oscar and some other fish in a 5 gallon (? max) tank for instance.
Well, I looked around and noticed a tank full of female betta and guppies. the betta looked terrified and were all torn up. So I grabbed a store person and told her to just randomly give me a darker colored female and she bagged this horribly sickly little female. Her fins were torn, her ventrals just stubs and most shockly for my her eyes (I love betta eyes) were nearly clamped shut! Probably burned by the ammonia in the tank. She was a dull gray and her fins were a brownish/pink transparent color and only with some close observation did I notice soem green lines in her tail fins. Oh she was just horrible. So I gave her Neptune's old tank and treated her with what I could and gave her a good diet and she turn out to be gorgeous! Just today her eyes opened up (I thought they might be permanently clamped mostly shut like that). HSe is now a beautiful turcoise and red color and she is healing quite neicly in all aspects and I'm glad and relived. This is her:

that is my intro. :D
Nice to meet you and your fish and welcome to the board. That's good news about your lil girl's eyes, good job!
Greetings! Lovely bettas you have, and I'm glad to hear you wish to start a betta rescue when you have the money to do so. I would love to do the same thing someday :nod:

Hope you enjoy the forum!
CatLover said:
Greetings! Lovely bettas you have, and I'm glad to hear you wish to start a betta rescue when you have the money to do so. I would love to do the same thing someday :nod:

Hope you enjoy the forum!
Thanks for the welcoem guys! :) :p

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