Hi y'all


Fish Crazy
Jun 26, 2002
Reaction score
Hi everyone,

Not sure I can say much more than in my post in the chitchat section. I've presently got a Juwel Rio 240. I wanted to get a Trigon 190 to help me move (my hubby and I are moving from St A's to Perth)- but got talked out of it (shame ;) ) so I'm getting a three footer as my second tank instead!

Heh heh heh - still gonna have fun starting my 4ft from scratch after the move anyway - I think I'll keep my present batch in the 3ft. So now I get to plan what to stock the 4 ft with once I've got it up and running again.

I've now had tropical fish for coming up to two years and I'm not going back to live bearers ;) I can't cope with the stress of wondering at what point I'll end up with too many for the tank!!

Read you later
Hi Tatya
Glad to see somebody else with sense has found the board. Stay well clear of livebearers they're a pain in the ....lol Although I can think of one person that will kick up a stink
Enjoy your stay. :D
:D Hi Tatya, welcome to the Best Fish Forum on the net. We like to have some fun here as well as the serious stuff, so get posting. Nothing wrong with livebearers........great fish food! (joke William). :D Mac.
Hello and welcome to the forum, first we will go through the safety procedure, in the event of a crash oxygen masks will drop down from your monitor... :p

Nothing wrong with livebearers........great fish food! (joke William). :D Mac.

How could you  :grumpy:
I suppose that they are ok if your gonna use em as feeder fish .............lmao :laugh: :laugh: :p :laugh:
Oh yeah and i almost forgot .............welcome lol :p
Hiya Tatya,

Glad to have another new member to the forum of as Mac says the best........ :laugh:
As you can see we have a sense of humour. So don't be scared to let rip 8)
So what drags you away from St.Andrews, I my opinion its a lot better than perth. anyway hope to see you around loads :)
Hi Tatya,

Welcome to the Scotish Fishkeepers forum :p , no seriously (if you can on this message board) have fun and look forward to hearing from you.

Fun what's fun???? Did I miss out on happy hour again. Dog gone it guys, when are ya going to tell me the right time.

Anyway glad to have you around. It gets awfully boring around here. You can only tease William about livebearers for so long and harrase Davy and Adyec for their lak of speling skils. Me I just hate being the insanely evil one around here. Here's to hoping you can bring a bit of spice to the board. Rose
Welcome to the funnest fish site on the web. In case you haven't noticed, Rose has been abducted by aliens, William is funny about feeders, Davey types funny. Then there is Pete with his funny lol's, And Adeyc,..well, there is just something funny about him :laugh:
As for me, they say there is an idiot in every group, and I'm looking around and don't see one, so I'm afraid that means.... :blush:
I didn't mean to leave out the other moderator Macquatic, but Mac seems normal? :)
Thanks for the welcome guys  :D

Davy, reason for move: my hubby has taken a job in Glasgow - now try and work out where to live when one of you is working in St A's and the other in Glasgow  :what:

We were looking at places around Dunblane, Auchterarder and Perth. (Forgot to mention hubby can't drive either! :eek: )
:) Argh bummer. Perth is on the motorways so it sounds a good choise ;)
I'm half an hour from Glasgow, but an hour and a bit from St. Andrews, I don't know the real time it takes cos I alway stop of at UDA for a look :look:

Is that your local? if so what the new 500 tanks like (adeyc or anyone else don't say, "see though, made out of glass etc etc).
bugger. I was going to say full of water and fish. lol :p :laugh:
Popped in to uda yesterday. They are supplying my bags and poly box etc for the move :)

I had to get the new filter to run in with the old filter in the old tank. Only I came out with a tank stand too ;) well it was on offer and I was going to have to buy one anyway :)

The new tanks look good the aisles in between them are about a foot and a half wide. The tanks seem to go up forever (probably don't but they definitely gave that impression ;)). & there are lots of rows of them! Just a pity that the majority of them were empty.

Its such a shame that its going to be on my way home and will still be open when I pass on a Tuesday ;)
hi Tatya

welcome to the forum :)

lucky you for having the uda close by, up here its finding a decent lfs, they all seem to have guppies, mollies and platties (No offense to livebearer keepers :D ). I would be happier if they expand a wee bit more :hmm:


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