Hi everyone,
Not sure I can say much more than in my post in the chitchat section. I've presently got a Juwel Rio 240. I wanted to get a Trigon 190 to help me move (my hubby and I are moving from St A's to Perth)- but got talked out of it (shame
) so I'm getting a three footer as my second tank instead!
Heh heh heh - still gonna have fun starting my 4ft from scratch after the move anyway - I think I'll keep my present batch in the 3ft. So now I get to plan what to stock the 4 ft with once I've got it up and running again.
I've now had tropical fish for coming up to two years and I'm not going back to live bearers
I can't cope with the stress of wondering at what point I'll end up with too many for the tank!!
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Not sure I can say much more than in my post in the chitchat section. I've presently got a Juwel Rio 240. I wanted to get a Trigon 190 to help me move (my hubby and I are moving from St A's to Perth)- but got talked out of it (shame
Heh heh heh - still gonna have fun starting my 4ft from scratch after the move anyway - I think I'll keep my present batch in the 3ft. So now I get to plan what to stock the 4 ft with once I've got it up and running again.
I've now had tropical fish for coming up to two years and I'm not going back to live bearers
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