New Member
My name is Chris, I have recently taken on looking after my hubbys fish as he doesn't have as much time as me. I have a Long haired German Shepherd ; Mishker 11yrs old, A cat Tara , A Bearded Dragon Therru and ........7 Cichlids ( 5 Convicts , 2 Albino Cochlids, 1 Firemouth, I Hypostemos Plecostomus,, 1 Plecostomus Aquarium, 1 baby Flying Fox, and a big snail (I am in the process of moving them into a larger tank) so far 3 Suckers in and the snail. I also have a Hubby and 4 children and 4 grandchildren . I love my fish and just want to care for them the best I can .