Hi there! I am new and I have a question 😌

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New Member
Sep 21, 2022
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Hong Kong
Hi everyone!
I am new to the fish keeping world, I started 3 months ago with a 9G Fluval Flex tank. So far successfully cycled my tank which is planted with a few fresh water plants as recommended by the aquarium shop. Small area of thick sand pebbles at the front and the rest is covered with Tropica substrate. A few small rocks help to keep the plants in place and make it look nice.
I have a group of 7 ember tetra, two oto catfish and 2 amano shrimps. So far they all survived successfully, and used to swim around happily and eat quite well.
Water checks are performed every other day for ammonia and the usual dipstick for pH, nitrites and nitrates and the other parameters: I am happy to say that all seems balanced.

Last night and today my ember tetras are suddenly hiding near the plants, they seem very scared if I approach the tank. They used to approach me when I got near the tank but now they rush to hide. Also, they stay hidden and not eat when I am there - but they may eat when I am not around: the food is no longer there later in the day. Water quality is good as always, no sign of illness, no ich or anything else. I reduced light intensity to low for now, so they can be less stressed.

The Otos and the shrimp in the meantime are doing great, happy, eating and active.

My question is: should I worry about the tetras being silently sick? They appear physically normal, but they behave super shy all of a sudden!
Any advice? Much appreciated!!
Hi and welcome to the forum :)

If something bad got into the water it could cause the fish to become stressed and panic or become nervous.
If something touched the tank and startled the fish, that could cause them to become nervous as well.

Did you do anything to the tank yesterday (water change or something)?
Did you have visitors yesterday, maybe someone got too close to the tank or put something in it?

Normally if fish are acting nervous, it's something in the water. Do a 50-75% water change and gravel clean the substrate and see if it helps.
Make sure any new water is free of chlorine/ chloramine before it's added to the tank.

Post pictures and video of the fish and tank. You can upload video to YouTube, then copy & paste the link here.

Stress from tank lights coming on when the room is dark can be an issue. Fish don't have eyelids and don't tolerate going from complete dark to bright light (or vice versa) instantly.

In the morning open the curtains or turn the room light on at least 30 minutes (or more) before turning the tank light on. This will reduce the stress on the fish and they won't go from a dark tank to a bright tank instantly.

At night turn the room light on and then turn the tank light off. Wait at least 30 minutes (or more) before turning the room light out. This allows the fish to settle down for the night instead of going from a brightly lit tank to complete darkness instantly.

Try to have the lights on at the same time each day. Use a timer if possible.
Thank you Colin!
I did what you suggested, a 50% water change, and they immediately came out of hiding.
I also fed 1/2 of the usual amount and they immediately came to eat, although a little less fast than usual.
They seem still a bit cautious but much more active. You can see the photos where they came at the front of the tank to eat!
Hopefully they will be ok.
I wonder what happened and if indeed something happened with the water. I’m so careful with testing the parameters all the time, I am a bit worried I may have missed something.
Thank you again for your advice!! 😅

The Otocinclus catfish is looking a bit pink around the face and that is usually poor water quality. Do another water change each day for a week and see if it help.
Thank you!! It came like this so I did not notice any difference in the past days. But I will do a water change every day for a few days, thanks for the great advice!!

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