Fish Gatherer
Hi all, first off to give a big thumbs up to everyone thats either given me good advice, told me me where to source items, how to plant, how the CO2 stuff works! Etc. Etc.
I'm trying my best NOT to get impatient with this tank, and to gradually get everything growing green, with minimal algae etc. etc. without breaking the bank. The tank has been set up now for almost a month.
(06th July) OK first setup (checking basic equipment)
mini external filter, spray bar, 3D black back ground, mini solid heater, digital thermometer (I do prefer these), Pets at Home 15L cube, with lighting that came with the tank.
CO2 setup, solenoid etc. set to come on an hour before lights come on, and an hour before they go off, will be replacing the glass diffuser with inline diffuser to get better dissolved rate and remove clutter from the viewing area.
Initial setup, plants from the green machine exceptional value range:
Hemianthus callitrichoides 'Cuba'
Eleocharis acicularis
Marsilea quadrifolia
bog wood from Maidenhead, planting substrate is florabase complete, currently dosing with macro nutrients once a week with 30% water change.
Rescape of the tank, will be adding java moss on next water change to let the first inhabitants settle:
1 red ramshorn snail (to help with algae) from my temporate tank
2 'algae' shrimps from pets at home (Palaemonetes sp.) - from pets at home so will see how they get on
Once I've got the algae sorted, more plant growth, CO2 diffusion I'm happy with, java moss growing, I'll eventually introduce some cherry shrimp.
Will also 'possibly' be replacing lighting with one of the new arcadia models, because the light the tank game with runs a little too hot for me.
and thats it for now!
(all feedback, ideas etc. etc. are appreciated!)
I'm trying my best NOT to get impatient with this tank, and to gradually get everything growing green, with minimal algae etc. etc. without breaking the bank. The tank has been set up now for almost a month.
(06th July) OK first setup (checking basic equipment)
mini external filter, spray bar, 3D black back ground, mini solid heater, digital thermometer (I do prefer these), Pets at Home 15L cube, with lighting that came with the tank.
CO2 setup, solenoid etc. set to come on an hour before lights come on, and an hour before they go off, will be replacing the glass diffuser with inline diffuser to get better dissolved rate and remove clutter from the viewing area.
Initial setup, plants from the green machine exceptional value range:
Hemianthus callitrichoides 'Cuba'
Eleocharis acicularis
Marsilea quadrifolia
bog wood from Maidenhead, planting substrate is florabase complete, currently dosing with macro nutrients once a week with 30% water change.
Rescape of the tank, will be adding java moss on next water change to let the first inhabitants settle:
1 red ramshorn snail (to help with algae) from my temporate tank
2 'algae' shrimps from pets at home (Palaemonetes sp.) - from pets at home so will see how they get on
Once I've got the algae sorted, more plant growth, CO2 diffusion I'm happy with, java moss growing, I'll eventually introduce some cherry shrimp.
Will also 'possibly' be replacing lighting with one of the new arcadia models, because the light the tank game with runs a little too hot for me.
and thats it for now!
(all feedback, ideas etc. etc. are appreciated!)