Hi please help

I mire meant like where the fish is exactly. I know it's with you but is it in the same container as it was previously?
If those measurements are in inches than no. You need a tank with the length of 20 inches  minimum.
You guys asked me for pics of the poop i post it and you didn't say anything.
Well sometimes the site glitches and people don't get notified OR they seriously don't know. Like I'm not knowledgeable in the "fish poo department" so I can't help you at all with what that means
Both are platies. The orange one is female and the other one is a male. The anal fin is already changing into a gonopodium.

Sounds like poop. But could you post a photo, so we can give a better judgement?
Which means they should prepare for more platies.
oh my god babies?, i just gave these to my friend when we went to the zoo the gave us 2 box that had 2 fish each so i gave one box to my friend and one for me so umm can you determine the gender of these

I'm afraid the photos are not clear enough.

Lok at the anal fin, that's the one underneath the fish right in front of the tail. If it is triangular like the one on the back, it's female. If the anal fin is more like a rod than a triangle, it's male. There is a helpful diagram in post #4 of this thread
I'm afraid the photos are not clear enough.

Lok at the anal fin, that's the one underneath the fish right in front of the tail. If it is triangular like the one on the back, it's female. If the anal fin is more like a rod than a triangle, it's male. There is a helpful diagram in post #4 of this thread
oh dang it so the orange is the male and the black orange is the female
can you explain more?
WhatsApp Image 2022-09-09 at 8.45.51 PM.jpg
The tip of this anal fin is already getting sharp edged. This means that this is an anal fin into transition into a gonopodium (male sexual organ). This specimen is either a late male or a female that changes into a male. Last mentioned must be a female of the WX or WY sex chromosome combination. XX females remain female.

The poop seems a right color of the orange platy. Sometimes it's just long but nothing to be worried about.
ahh i don't want them to reproduce
Thing about platies is that they are live bearers. Most fish lay eggs. And those same fish will eat their own eggs. But fish like platies, guppies or mollies give birth to live young. So the only way to not have babies is to separate them by gender.
Whatever you do, please add some substrate like gravel or sand and some decor as soon as you can. Even like plastic plants that they can explore or hide in.

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